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Posts posted by James605

  1. I charge 4 times the ink i used...and i tell them im not gonna replace material if something happens. Do it at your own risk, but i only print on a couple guys material...They are "regulars" and its vinyl i dont want to buy rolls of. The buy the rolls and bring them to me...

    If i have the vinyl they need they pay for it, i dont use their vinyl if i have my own, just special cases and odd types of vinyl. Stuff that i will never use and over $500 a roll

    To figures it out just figure up how much ink you have to use. My program tells me, not sure if yours does or not.

    Heres how i do it

    If it says it takes 25cc of ink

    a 220cc ink cartridge is $70

    $70 divided by 220 cc is .32 per cc of ink

    .32 x 25cc it takes to do the job = $8 (this is your cost of doiung the job)

    8x4 =$32

  2. A few weeks ago i was about 20ft. into a 4x30ft banner that was solid red background and wht/blk letters and i got a head strike...I was ready to destoy anything within reach.... there goes the profit for that job... so much ink/banner/time wasted....

    Good luck and happy printing :thumbsup:

  3. Very well put.

    I thank you for your honesty.

    And I thank you for your viewpoints as well, I enjoy conversations with differing viewpoints where things don't get personal or nasty.  Viewpoints like yours can make me look at my models sometimes as well and wondering if I shouldn't charge more.....like I said its a fine line to walk, for all of us.


  4. They will cut it to any size for free... up to 5 cuts i think per sheet

    I use this to make different shapes into signs, i just stick the sheet into my printer/cutter and let it do its thing... :)

    I use lexn for this type of thing. There is a platics place around the corner from me. a 4x8 sheet is $34 with tax...

    No i print vinyl and apply it...I thought about trying the print but didnt want to have an oops and cost me a printhead or too. If you try it out let me know how it goes. but it weill cut it where you can break it out real nice....

    Whaty does everyone use to cut this to a smaller size or does your supplier do it for you?

    You print right onto the lexan?

  5. They will cut it to any size for free... up to 5 cuts i think per sheet

    I use this to make different shapes into signs, i just stick the sheet into my printer/cutter and let it do its thing... :thumbsup:

    I use lexn for this type of thing. There is a platics place around the corner from me. a 4x8 sheet is $34 with tax...

    Whaty does everyone use to cut this to a smaller size or does your supplier do it for you?