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MH 721 running flexi, cutter gone wild!

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the file is 5.5" tall 12" wide so I oriented the file vertically, so I could get 4 stickers across and utilise my 24" stock the best.

the file says "skys off-road design" across the bottom. the first thing it tries to cut is the s, then all hell breaks loose. if I run the file horizontally, the file cuts just fine. what gives?

yesterday I was having the same issue, only less severe. I would run batches of 8 and the first s of the first sticker would be messed up, the other 7 in the run would be fine.

I tried restarting the software, the computer, the cutter shut off, and even unplugged. nothing changes this. one time it even cut the sticker 4 feet wide!

I cant attach the flexi .FS file. I could email it and see what you think. thanks in advance!

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have you tried going into Production Manager and erasing  what is there and changing the PACKET SIZE TO 1000 kb,  you have to actually erase it,   I run tons of very large detailed  work never a problem.  I got a member fixed last night, by doing the same thing.  

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I would try what Speed says first.  If that doesn't work, try adding a new setup, and run your cut from there.  See if that works.  If not, try cutting something smaller, or a different design that you know works.  This should give you a better idea of what's causing this to happen.

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the file is 5.5" tall 12" wide so I oriented the file vertically, so I could get 4 stickers across and utilise my 24" stock the best.

the file says "skys off-road design" across the bottom. the first thing it tries to cut is the s, then all hell breaks loose. if I run the file horizontally, the file cuts just fine. what gives?

yesterday I was having the same issue, only less severe. I would run batches of 8 and the first s of the first sticker would be messed up, the other 7 in the run would be fine.

I tried restarting the software, the computer, the cutter shut off, and even unplugged. nothing changes this. one time it even cut the sticker 4 feet wide!

I cant attach the flexi .FS file. I could email it and see what you think. thanks in advance!

This a VERY common problem with these cutters during the winter months. Static builds up on these machines because they are NOT grounded well, and you have to finish the grounding when you set it up.....dont count on the ground from the 3 prong plug as these are NOT grounded well.  There are times you have to get to the motherboard and ground that better also.

You should ground it from the cutter to the stand to external ground or its not a matter of if but when.  I have mine grounded very well even check with an ohm meter and it still died on me. The carriage that holds the blade will not move up and down. GROUND GROUND GROUND

There was a long thread on here 2 years ago about this issue and I cannot quickly find it or maybe it has been deleted, but here is a gerneral search for "grounding" on the forum:;params=YWR2YW5jZWR8J3wwfCJ8YnJkfCd8MTksMjQsMjYsMTgsMzYsNTQsNDYsMzAsMjUsMzUsMzcsNjAsNDMsNDIsNDAsMzksMjMsMjIsNywxLDQ4LDQ3LDU1LDU2LDYxLDU3LDU4LDYyLDUwLDQ5LDYzLDY0LDYsMTAsNDEsOSwyNywyOCwzNCw4LDMzLDMyLDMxLDQ1LDQ0LDEzLDEyLDI5LDExLDUyLDUxLDE2LDE1LDE0fCJ8c2hvd19jb21wbGV0ZXwnfHwifHN1YmplY3Rfb25seXwnfHwifHNvcnR8J3xyZWxldmFuY2V8Inxzb3J0X2RpcnwnfGRlc2N8InxzZWFyY2h8J3xncm91bmRpbmc=;start=30

Good Luck,


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It sounds to me like a corruption problem of some kind. Windows has been puttign out a ton of updates in the last week, and I have spent my days reinstalling software that their "FIXES" broke.

Do you have Signblazer installed? If not download it from here and install it and see if it repeats the same problem. this eliminates the cutter out of the equation if it cuts correctly.

If it cuts correctly in Signblazer then I would try reinstalling flexi and resetting up the cutter.  It doesn't hurt to have a couple different cutters programs available and know how to use them, because in a pinch you can still create and cut.

I think it may ask if you want to save your old settings when you uninstall. say no if asked this. otherwise you may just reinstall it the same as it is now.


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