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What are people using to make 'Bumper Inserts', etc. for cars?

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Here's an example of what I am talking about:

I've also seen some stickers that perfectly fit in the debossed pony in the center cap of the wheel of a Mustang.

Are they using some kind of vehicle template collection to get the dimensions for these? I have played around with one before, called Mr. Clipart Cars and Trucks 2006, or something similar, but it was horrible... It had barely any popular cars, and lots were mislabeled (for example, their version of a 1999 and 2000 Mustang was really a 94-98 Mustang).

If that's the case, can y'all recommend any decent template packs for this? If that's not the case, how are they doing it?

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Some of them are traces, but some are just scaled logos,, almost any logo you could ever need.

Wow, you're a lifesaver... Got an answer for everything! lol I knew about brandsoftheworld, but haven't really looked around, and sure didn't know they had stuff like that.... That's definitely gonna come in handy.

As far as tracing goes, how would I go about doing that? Just do something like put a piece of paper over it, shade it in with a pencil, then scan it and vectorize it in Corel or something?

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Take a picture of it, load it into corel or illustrator & trace the image with the pen tool, you now have your template.

Even easier, thanks man.

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