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Need help with reg marks

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Can someone put some registration marks on this for me? I am using sign blazer and I can't figure out how to do it. It is going to be cut 22" wide and 32" tall if that makes a difference. Marks will have to be at top because there is no room on bottom or sides of what it is going on. Thanks! :huh:

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You can add registration marks just by placing a square where you want the registration mark.  Long before SignCut (which is great for registration marks) you used to have to put a couple small squares.

When you cut each color of the layered vinyl, just make sure you change the color of the square to be the same as the color of the vinyl you're cutting.

The top layer, once you place your app take over it, use a knife to carefully cut the registration square out of the top color and then when you lay it over the bottom color (which still has it's squares uncut and intact) you'll know where it goes :thumbsup:

I'll download that file and check it out for ya

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If you're using an app that doesn't allow you to make registration marks, or are not sure how to use that function yet, it's just as simple as making a couple squares.  I make them all the same size.  It doesn't matter where they are layed out, as long as you do NOT move them when you change the colors of the squares right before cutting.    Here's how I would suggest doing using your image...

1.  Cut the red part (including the 3 red squares)

2.  Change the red squares to light orange and save the file (must be same as the other light orange stuff)

3.  Open it in your cutting software and cut just the light orange stuff

4.  Weed them BOTH leaving the squares as if you were going to lay them on the substrate.

5.  Apply app tape to the ORANGE and using an exacto knife (I use a razor blade) cut the orange squares out of the orange layer ( so you can see through where the squares were)

6.  Lay it overtop of the red and line up the red squares underneath to the cut out squares on the orange piece.  You should see the red square through the square holes you cut out.  I would apply this using the HINGE method from the bottom up.  Apply...

If I were putting this on a car or something, me personally, I would lay the red down (with the 3 red squares) right onto the vehicle.  Then I would lay the orange over top, line up the registration marks, use a tape hinge at the bottom, and apply the orange over the red.  Then I would pull off the red squares and clean er up.

Hope that helps some...

Of course, I would NEVER apply that image anywhere, cuz that would just be wrong  ;)   :thumbsup:



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I find it easier to make reg in a totally different color (say Blue squares in your eps ) then when you cut....cut red and blue together (hold ctrl while selecting both colors to cut) then cut orange and blue (same way)  I did it the other way at first, but I moved a mark when selecting it . This way you don't run the risk of moving a mark.

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Thanks guys! Both ways are great. Something i am just going to have to play with till i get it right i guess :thumbsup:

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I find it easier to make reg in a totally different color (say Blue squares in your eps ) then when you cut....cut red and blue together (hold ctrl while selecting both colors to cut) then cut orange and blue (same way)  I did it the other way at first, but I moved a mark when selecting it . This way you don't run the risk of moving a mark.

i use this way and it's so easy.

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