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Cutter just stops before finishing its job!

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Just got my MH721

I export from corel, eps files and open them on Artcut, I start cutting and sometimes after cutting part of the job it just stops there and the yellow blinking light (receiving info from the pc) stops blinking meaning it no longer is getting any info, just as if it had finished the job!  The blade stops right there and doesn?t even return to the right (as a reset function).  Meanwhile, in the software I still have the windows where info is "being sent" to the plotter...

Any suggestions?

One more issue:

While cutting, the blade stops now and then I assume because of the low buffer, then, most of the times when it continues to cut, it starts doing it with more force!

I resolve this problem lowering the force on the plotter one click and putting it back up in the next second, the plotter is back to lets say 40 force and continues to cut the way it should.

This is making me lose a lot of time since I have to be clicking these buttons everytime the blade stops to receive more info.

Please help!


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Im using:

Vinyl cutter model  MH721

Date purchased (Date is best, otherwise month and year) : December 2006

Connection method (USB, serial, Parallel): SERIAL

Software (Signcut, Artcut, Flexi, etc): ARTCUT

Operating system:  XP

Material: VINIL (calon)

Please help! I?m in the middle of a big job and it does?t matter if I send it in little pieces to avoid memory overflow, it stops as if it had finished...


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Guest fivestar

Try posting the file and let someone else look at it and see if maybe there are too many nodes causing the problem.  I had the exact same problem with a file one time and that is what the problem was.

You will probably have to zip the file to upload it as this board doesn't accept .eps extentions, which I hope they change.

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Here it is,, I?m not sure it is going to work, I zipped the eps file., and yes, I would say it has a lot of nodes...

in such case, what?s to do? just delete some nodes?

If anyone can look at this file and tell me your opinion it would be great.

In my first posting I also mentioned a problem regarding different forces applied by the blade everytime it stopped to get more info in the buffer... I think I just resolved this by making the tip of the blade shorter.


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Hi, I took a look at your file. I cannot believe you have problems cutting this simple text out.

My question would be, why do you export this file as an EPS file? In Coreldraw you have the shortcut to VinylCut and it imports it straight in. EPS files always blow up the filesize.

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answering Dimitri?s question... the reason is I just don?t know I could do it like that.

I?ve been in the printting business for a while that is why I know corel, but never had a cutting plotter.

If you could explain me the process for doing that, using that shortcut I?ll appreciate it..

I reduced the number of nodes and it seems It worked at least It hasn?t stopped again, but it takes a lot of time and work moving the curves and not deforming the letters.

Anyway, I know I have to do something but if only one could avoid counting nodes it would be great.

thanks both of you..

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here is a link to the Official Corel site. the link is for their tutorial on redundant node editing. i have used this feature in CD-12 many time especially when working with art from outside sources or napkin drawings.  good luck  daniel t.

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