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why didnt he use app tape in this install?

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I know what works,and what works fast. Time is money to some people..but to me,with my health problems..time is just prescious. I don't waste it.

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I've learned there's a time and place for weet app and dry app. An d as shown in this video, theres a time and place for app tape. You coulda done the same thing with 751, like someone said earlier wet the back as you peel it off. I think the guy in the video used a great method for his application. I'm not a wet app hater, I use it often. But there are a lot of instances when a dry app is faster and more efficient.

As many of you have said, experience is a lot in the sign business. Yes, I'm only 17, but I've been doing this for over two years now and consider myself to be more experienced in the sign business. On the other hand, I know there are many others on this forum that have been in the business much longer than I have and I've learned a lot from you all. Thanks!

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sorry, didn’t mean to step on any toes.  apparently it is not advised to disagree with the status quo. I’m just trying to share what I’ve learned from 7 years experience working in sign shops and receiving formal training. Graduating from the school of hard knocks and selling banners on ebay for an 1/8th of industry prices for 3 years can only teach you so much.  Besides, last I checked this is a discussion forum.  I didn’t realize only certain people were allowed to discuss things. No where did I say john was wrong, I just said how I’d do it. That’s great he’s an “old timer” and has years experience lining things up by eye doing upholstery, but I’d never encourage others to do line things up by eye if they hadn’t been doing it for years.  A tape measure is always more accurate than an eye.  That’s why humans invented them.

I did my first sign in 1978.However, it's nice to know that you have been snooping. And, far as pricing..there is no industry standard.Prices vary from location to location...and as far as selling on ebay..I'll tell you what I tell all the others who don't get it...when you sell on ebay, you have to be competetive in THAT marketplace. It's just that simple. There are people selling full color printed banners for $2 a square foot on ebay.

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I would think you have the right to state your experience..after all it's your experience. I know there are probably times when you need to measure and times when you don't. It really depends on how good your eye is and the type of job you're doing.

I mean for a really big sign, you could tape it up temporarily, stand back and eyeball it since vehicles are usually irregular and have 'lines' where decals would look best.

This isn't about one's experience so much as one's 'eye' and how well you trust it, but I imagine there are times when just using your eye alone won't suffice. I haven't been cutting vinyl very long but my artist eye is well developed having done it professionally for over 20 there's definitely an art to all this placement stuff.

Basically, sometimes you can eyeball it, sometimes you gotta measure, but your art sensibilities always factor in when you're applying vinyl, in my opinion. Perhaps there's more artistic merit to vinyl-making/placement than people realize.

sorry, didn

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