
To Flea Market, or Not to Flea Market? That is the question.

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Ok, here I go, same old story with new angle.

I will start by saying that Im really tired of working for someone else. I am not happy at work anymore, but I need to work, so I need to keep going there.

I have been looking for things to do, ways to start my own business for real, be my own boss. I was thinking to rent a place and start something there, but I havent found the right place yet.

Now, there is going to be a BIG Flea Market in my hometown. One that is expected to bring lots of people. There are similar Flea Markets (from the same organizers) in other towns and they move huge masses. I was thinking this could be my chance. There will be nobody there doing what I would be doing (if I decided Im doing it), thats custom decals and shirts on the spot. I would also be offering my t shirt brand and other stuff. I wouldnt have to bother to promote as hard as I would have to if I rented a space somewhere else as people will go there anyways.

Sounds good so far, right?

Well, the thing is that Im a little scared. I have a full time job and I get what I need (not as much as I would like) even if I work a lot or a little. Im in the comfort zone, you know? I know that is not good, but I admit it. Anyhow, I must admit that sometimes I've done in a day what I make in a week at work (again, sometimes, not the typical day, but in the other hand, I dont even promote, I base my work on mouth to mouth promotion). Also, I would have to work the whole weekend from Friday to Sunday 11 am to 10 pm. Most of the fun stuff I do is on weekends, I would have to quit going to the beach or to a party and that kind of stuff. Also, my gf works on weekdays and is off on Weekends, and my schedule will be the opposite, whch will result in a dramatic loss of time to spend together, same thing with my family.

I know that I have to make sacrifices in order to be successful, but I cant make my mind yet.

Im not looking for an answer or a decision. Instead I would like to read what you think, your opinions and suggestions.

Thank you all for reading.


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Guest crshirts


Try a few of the flea markets will get your work shown more and you will

be able to test the market, when you do get a shop of your own.


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Thank you Carl.

Something really cool just happened. I was just reading some junk emails I got and one of them had this quote,

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing" - Walt Disney

Amazing how sometings happen, huh?

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I so know what you are going through.  I was making really good money in my job, but couldn't take care of my customers they way I wanted because of the bureaucracy of the company I worked for.  Eventually I put away a few grand of emergency money and gave my notice.  I was lucky as most of my customers followed me and I still did some contract work for my old company for a while.  Over the next couple of years I knew I had done the right thing as all went really well, but the one thing I didn't prepare for was the difference in working for yourself.  Even if I wasn't at work, I was always thinking about work and vacations and free time were almost non-existent.  I figured out that things had to change, but since I had spent the time to get things going I was able to throttle back a little and have a life while maintaining my business.  Its been over 11 years since I went out on my own and I've had some tough times (especially with damn taxes {don't trust your accountant is doing things right}), but in the end I know I did the right thing by going out on my own. 

Now, over the past couple of years my business has been suffering through some transition which seems to happen every so many years, but during the light time I've had the freedom to build my second business which is garment decorating for fundraising groups mainly.  Its quickly grown into the corporate market as well and past where I intended it to go.  I never would have had the flexibility to get it going to this level if I hadn't been self employed and able to give it a chance without abandoning my career.  Now I'm always watching for new opportunities because I can see that is one of the biggest benefits of being self employed.

So, just because you take on the flea market doesn't mean you have to work at it every weekend & all weekend forever.  Get things established and eventually you'll be able to scale back and maybe not be open on Sundays or maybe only 3 weekends a month or something like that.  Do your best to put both jobs on hold when you are making the most of your free time and it will all come together.

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I couldnt agree more with Renegade. I have been self employed for just about 6 years now and its has its ups and down from time to time but I wouldnt trade it for anything.

For me right now being a now 1 man trucking company with all my equipment finally paid for (For a year now) I have decided to try something else also as years and years ago I worked part time in a very small vinyl graphics shop in town and although I didnt get to do so much with the actual cutting and computer work and such I have always had a huge interest in it and now I had a bit of fun money saved up and bought a cutter/plotter and going to see if I can earn some some extra fun money once I get the hang of things really good. Besides, I have a little one due in 2 1/2 months (My first too) and I really want to be able to stay home alot more with my family. I love driving truck and I am not gone for long periods of time now but I want to be home alot more often.

Even driving truck, Being able to set my own hours I still do work a few weekends here and there. Just stick with your current job for a bit, Do the flea market thing for a bit also and then once you feel ready make the jump. Hate to see you quit and then just end up going broke right off the bat.

Enough from me for now... :thumbsup:

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Guest Schramm


If you have back up cash on hand jump on the self employment band wagon, if you dont start out testing the ground at the market before quitting for that.  I have checked them out and the guys that do them do great but they have a ton of good ideas.  You will definatly need a catalog.

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I am almost in the exact same position as you, I believe.  I was almost laid off a few months ago (and still could be) and I was almost hoping for it, as it would have pushed me to do what I don't have the balls to do..

In the end, I am glad I didn't get laid off, as I have realized that I dont have enough money in reserve to go through the slow times.  Just like you said, you have made as much in 1 day as you make in a week at your 9-5, but that is obviously not something you can count on.  So, now I am working my ass off on the side trying to build up my own revolving line of credit to make it through the slow times.

I always remember something a very, very rich man told in my last class in college.  He quit his job, packed up his car with everything he owned in the 80's and drove to Silicon Valley to jump head first into the tech boom.  He had three companies fail, miserably, and lived in his car for months, before becoming successful.

I asked him why he kept going after the failures, and he said "You'll never be rich working for someone else.  And that applies to much more than just money."

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Joe... you know what I think you need to do as we havetalked about this via Facebook. You know the road is going to be bumpy at first, and if you can make it past all that, I think you'll have a smooth, nicely paved road for you business/clothing line.

Go for it!

You have your family for supportive backbone, and that's one of the most important things!

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Thats why I hate that saying "jack of all trades, master of none".  Hey in this economy the more skills you have, the better you will be to equip yourself in business.  Saying that....  Read, take classes, anything to learn more about something you know little about.  The flea market would make a good place to kick back and make some contacts, read a few books (accounting, sales, marketing, etc) and make some bucks.  You could really maximize your time there. 

SO don't think of it as a hardship, think of it as an investment in your business.  The only person I want to be a "master of their trade" is my heart dr.  :thumbsup:  I've had 2 heart attacks.



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i have been self employed for more than 16 years. it has its ups and its downs. don't jump ship and try to swim for it. ease into it, i was very lucky that i had some help other than my skills alone (thanks mom). she loves me lots. you will do fine, i think you have an eye for design and i know you have command of the graphics software. ask your friends and neighbors what they would like to wear on a shirt?


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Guest Schramm

Cutme is right on the money, 95% of business that are started due to someone just not liking there job fail in the first year.  Right now this is a very very tough market and you are going to be starting up with the worse possible economy.  I am kinda lucky as I have many thing to fall back on but I never just try to do one thing I always have 8-9 things cooking at the same time!  Take it slow at first as I would hate to see you give up a sure thing for a maybe but at the same time you know you position better then anyone so follow your gut as long as it says the same as your head!!!

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Well I can key in on this one Joe. I have been in a flea market just like your talking about for over 2 years now. Every Fri-Sat-Sun. I have been out on my own for a little over a year now and it is ruff at times as I am the only one that brings in money for my household (G/F and 3yr son) But its GREAT. At the flea's I have never had to pay for the booth rent out of my pocket which is $120 a weekend. We do great there. It started out as working my full time job (driving a dump truck) and working the fleas on the weekends. Last march I made the move of going on my own. Now One year after that I also have my own Storefront that is open Mon-Fri. Bottom line is GO FOR IT. If you want more info I would be glad to talk to you about it all.

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Thank you very much everybody. Thats exactly what I needed to read. As I said, I didnt want to get an answer or anything like it. I just wanted to hear some opinions and experiences. That helps a lot. I've been thinking and thinking and thinking... I just wanted to talk about it here as I knew I would get honest opinions. If I asked friends, they might be a little biased, maybe not really objective and they dont have the experience anyways.

Yesterday, right after I posted this topic I was deleting some junk emails and one of them had this image


Really cool, huh?

When I was driving home I was thinking that I cant win if I dont sacrifice things. I cant expect for success to get to me easily. I know I have to work hard, sweat and work harder.

Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it.

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go get em tiger! :thumbsup: we are all behind you.


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I too jumped ship first of the year and started doing this full time. Like stated, it has its good days and its bad days.

I also am looking at doing flea markets or craft shows, and I am interested in hearing more about people who also do that on what to expect, etc.

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Well, yesterday I went to the Flea Market site. They are getting everything ready and they are possibly starting Friday 22nd.

It will be big!, I saw the plans and stuff. They are working on the tents and electricity.

I am going to give it a try. I will work 7 days a week and I will get really tired, but I will do it.

There are many things to do, but little time. I will let you know what happens.

Thank you.

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Just be patient with it because it may take some time for things to get going, but that will give you time to work out the details anyway.

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Joe... I'm glad to hear you have decided to move forward with this! I know it will be a tough decision in the future, but sooner or later you are going to have to make that leap of faith and go "full time" with this... but I think between your friend, family, and the support from all of us, that you can and will make it happen!

Although we are hundreds of miles away, keep in mind, that if there is something I can help out with you and your venture, please dont' hesitate to ask... and I'm serious!

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I appreciate it Firemalt! Oh and I know you are serious about it. Thank you.

Oh, I have to add that I will not depend entirely on this. I do other things. I sell good on ebay and I could pay my car on that alone. I also do graphic arts, vectorizing services, outsource screenprinting for my customers needs, I have a t shirt brand and some other things.

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