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About jutinker

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  1. jutinker

    Whats up from the Bahamas!

    lol that looks not good. It got down to like 80 this morning and i got a coat
  2. Good day chaps, A soft introduction, I am a software developer / sign maker and installer from the bahamas and I am currently in the middle of a software project I started over 6 months ago. I had recently bought a piece of software to price our signs at our new shop. Coming from a shop that was attuned with Cyrious Control I was used to the big corporate feel of it. Scaling down to my own shop we got what we could and I was utterly disappointed with what we paid for. It worked the same way a piece of duct tape stops a leak. I had my beefs with Cyrious being over complicated and buggy as hell but I went from that to over simplified and barely working worth a damn. So I thought to myself, Im a software engineer why am I using software that I know I can make better. So my journey started and as a personal project I began building my software in actionscript 3.0. It was a light code, easy to work with but easily decoded but not really an issue since I was just using it for myself. After posting my work and about 6 weeks of updates on to a forum a user noted to me that modern pricing software needs to be integrated into an invoicing platform and CRM platform to be efficient. From there I developed a comprehensive feature list pulled from very successful invoicing softwares and started to build the signage calculation around that platform in a new language. So I gutted the algorithms from my flash calculator and ported them over to PHP/MySql & Javascript with a bootstrap user Interface framework then built my CRM and Invoicing around that. So far I have moved from a scrappy flash file to what is likely to be the only full featured free signage calculation software out there. Below you will find a feature list as well as a video of what is completed so far. http://tinkeractive.com/Signage/
  3. jutinker

    Whats up from the Bahamas!

    Hey guys whats up! New user from Nassau, Bahamas. Been a sign maker / installer for the past 4 years and loving it so far. Also IT specialist and software engineer.