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Everything posted by Sue2

  1. Deadline for the FREE Windows 10 Upgrade is July 29th. Should I even consider upgrading my Windows 7 Pro laptop that runs the Graphtec CE6000-60 with the VM Cut program? Are the drivers available? Thanks for any advice. Sue2
  2. Sue2

    Please help

    Couldn't trace it yourself for that $7.99! Just add that to your bill and move on... and you'll have it for future work. Sue2
  3. Sue2

    Adhesive Embroidered Patches

    Thanks but they don't want the patch to be permanent......just something to stick on whatever personal shirt or coat they are wearing....she said ihe sticky only lasted 4-5 uses. Like these...but I don't know the reliability of this company:
  4. Sue2

    Windows 10 Upgrade?

    I would prefer to stay with WIN 7...but figured it was a good way to get used to the new WINDOWS program. I have WIN 10 on my home PC too....good for learning the ins & outs before being forced to change. Sue2.
  5. Sue2

    Windows 10 Upgrade?

    Thanks for the heads up. This is just the laptop connected to the Graphtec for cutting.... not so much stuff there that needs super privacy. Don't go online from there either.
  6. Sue2

    Need help identifying a font

    Yeah, and I bet his upkeep & maintenance is high!
  7. Sue2

    Windows 10 Upgrade?

    Well, my upgrade did not go as easily as others reported above. First I had to reinstall VM Cut because WIN10 said I didn't have "Permissions" to use the cut feature. Then the Graphtec was not recognized either and I had to run around and around to get it re-discovered.....seems to be running now. What next? I was very close to reverting back to nice comfy WIN 7 Pro.... Sue2
  8. Sue2

    New Forum Feedback

    It's also in "All Activity"
  9. Sue2

    New Forum Feedback

    BLUE is for TRUST & STRENGTH PURPLE is for CREATIVE & WISE...... So you all chose green....why? Trying to understand Sue2
  10. Sue2

    New Forum Feedback

    Oh, good, I thought it was just me.......................
  11. Sue2


    First, will you be using it for, editing & cutting? Or do you already use another graphic program to prepare your files? If you are using another design program you just need to import and cut. Basic VM should be fine for that. VM Pro and above cover design and editingtoo.
  12. Sue2

    New Forum Feedback

    Friends is friends! Following sounds like stalking...sinister.....
  13. Sue2

    New Forum Feedback

    TMI (Too Much Information) can we stop the overload of info? Do we really need to know: "Rosie joined the Community" "Peter Pan liked a post in..." "Bozo is following..."'s looking good...even if our avatars are clipped. Sue2
  14. Sue2

    New Forum Feedback

    So, how do we get our avatars to fit without the edges being being cut off? Will the square format return? Sue2
  15. Sue2

    Is this it?

    Is it finished? Seems empty. Is there a place to check for NEW CONTENT SINCE LAST VISIT? The drag and drop file attachment is sure better.... I guess we will all have to figure it all out. Sue2
  16. Sue2

    Is this it?

    LOL....that's auto spell correct for ya! Thanks!
  17. Sue2

    Is this it?

    Yup...looks like the file size/area of our avatars has shrunken....along with rounding things out.
  18. Sue2

    Is this it?

    Oh....I see why it seems empty...there are no ads on the sides....just empty space. I'm sure that will be fixed quickly enough.
  19. Patience is a virtue...... I don't feel very virtuous right now. I am only able to get on through MSN...Chrome still showing red page. Sue2
  20. Sue2

    need help!

    30 K is too small to do a good tracing job.... see if he has something larger or a higher resolution file or get his business card and scan it yourself at a high resolution. Just my 2 cents but, in reality, a guy cutting down a tree seems a poor choice of graphic for a landscaping company. Sue2
  21. Sue2

    Is This Possible..

  22. Sue2

    Carlot logo

    For starter ideas you can just Google Used Car Lot logos and see what comes up in the images section. Sue2
  23. Sue2

    ever have one of those nights

    He's hiding... in the closet.......
  24. Sue2

    Credit where credit is due

    All I have is the starter VM program but it works/feels very much like CorelDraw. I like it. Sue2