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Everything posted by wwpro

  1. wwpro

    Glass/mirror etching

    LS, since it seems like you know about this things I'm going to ask you if my compressor is suitable for some minor sandblasting work, I don't know how the whole specifications are supposed to be interpreted. 15 Gal - 125 PSI 2.5HP SCFM@40 PSI : 5.1 SCFM@90 PSI P: 4.2 I use it to do some work on my car every now and then and have no problem with most air tools. Thanks and sorry if I'm thread-jacking, but I think this might be of some help for others too.
  2. wwpro

    New License Plate

    License plate looks awesome that Epson 1400 can print on vinyl right off the box or needs something else ? did you get your with the CIS ink system ?
  3. wwpro

    First try - vehicle graphic

    Here's the link http://clipartandfonts.com/TUTORIALS_scale_to_size.html I know how to rotate the pic, that's not big deal, I was hoping to get some help on the whole process, general tips mostly.
  4. wwpro

    MORE cornhole boards

    I know price may vary, but what are you getting for them if you don't mind me asking ? great job by the way
  5. wwpro

    Sandblasted back lit mirror

    Any chance that you can have a pic of the back side and post it ? Doesn't have to be just that one, any other will do it thanks
  6. wwpro

    Granite countertops

    Hi there I need something related to marble/granite installation - I have a customer that needs shirts done and they only have lettering as a logo. Something simple that can be cut. Thanks in advance PS: I did search but nothing was found.
  7. After screwing my first t-shirt I decided to make something to prevent that to happen again, and since I'm not getting any brighter this is what I did. Regular teflon sheets that I bought on ebay 18x20, my press is 15x15. I wanted something that I didn't have to place every single time (when needed) so I took some extra strength velcro that I had laying around for the bottom platen, BUT I did the same for the top platen too, but knowing that the heat was going to melt the adhesive, but I did it anyway to make sure, and I wasn't wrong. Bottom platen held up fine and still does. Next step : Magnets. I have access to magnets that are removed from vacuum cleaners and they're powerful, but you can get earth magnets, really strong and small on any crafts store. Now you can remove them if you have to, but don't have to remember to put them every time you press something. If you need a different shine for your design, simply place kraft paper in between your garment and the top. I'm pretty new to this and I might be wrong on that one. Couple of pictures.
  8. wwpro

    Ghetto teflon Bra

    couple more pics
  9. wwpro

    Sandblasted back lit mirror

    Looks great ! what kind of paint did you use ?
  10. You should get that screen coated with emulsion instead of vinyl if you know for sure that you are gonna use it in the future. I've read somewhere that if you plan to store a coated screen for a long period of time is better to add some hardener to the emulsion, it will help a lot. Try to get in touch with you local screen printer or find someone that can coat it for you, pay once and keep it forever.
  11. wwpro

    Blade angle and offset ?

    That's new for me too .... gonna adjust mine to see what happens
  12. wwpro

    Granite countertops

    nothing related to granite installation or fabrication ? I was hoping for this to be more common but seems like it's not.
  13. wwpro

    New Addition to the Toolbox Lid ........

    Awesome layering work man ! Is that your toolbox or your portfolio ?
  14. http://www.holidaysmart.com/2009/year2009.htm It might be useful, is in my bookmarks already.
  15. yeah, I was browsing thru their site the other day and they do have good prices, and a huge inventory. Thanks for the heads up. Still looking for someone close to me willing to do only 4 ballcaps, though.
  16. Thanks Renegade, was looking for an hour for your thread with the machines for sale .... no wonder why I didn't found it. I gotta wait for the customer to tell me the colors for the hats, since I know is gonna be a gray for the polos. Thanks for the offer and I'll let you know when I get the info to see if you still have the time to do that for me thanks again
  17. wwpro

    EZ-Up Tents and Flags

    I'd love one of those flags for my day job .
  18. Thanks Five, I'll keep that in mind. I'm gonna keep waiting to see if someone else is interested in this.
  19. Thanks Five .... polos have a really simple 1 color letter design .. is there something that I'm not seeing ? I haven't looked at prices yet for a polo should be around $5-8 right ? I'll wait to see if there's anyone closer that's interested, if not, and you still want to do it, I let you know Five, since know I won't get money out of this, is basically to put my name out when they ask them where they get those . Thanks for taking the time to chime in. NOTE: How the caps price will aprox ? "wholesale" and customer final price that is.
  20. wwpro

    Glass for my table, to weed easier. (((UPDATED)))

    mmh I'm gonna keep an eye on this one. I know what I want to do but haven't had the time, I might get different ideas from your project thanks and good luck with it Note - You might want to get some Krylon Frosted glass spray and give it a light coat on the underside of the glass instead of vinyl.
  21. wwpro

    Las Vegas Welome Sign Clipart

    http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/search/94666189/118209.html That one should make it.
  22. wwpro

    Etched and painted

    +1 on the glass block
  23. wwpro

    Camaro Engine Covers

    Looks awesome. How's the vinyl going to respond to the heat inside the engine bay ?
  24. wwpro

    EZ-Up Tents and Flags

    C'mon you're killing me here ! post those pics ..... now !
  25. wwpro

    EZ-Up Tents and Flags

    That's awesome, way to "think ahead" Keep us posted, I can have customers wanting this if I can get the idea, they just don't know they need it yet Good luck tonight, stock up the cooler