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Everything posted by kart45

  1. kart45

    24" creation PCUT?

    +1 for the PCUT It has paid for itself multiple times. It takes a little tweaking to get the fine detail out of them, but they are most definitely a great option if you don't have the funding to go big-time. Also, make sure you use the serial connection over the usb , save yourself the trouble in the beginning. Mine worked ok with the usb but nothing with a lot of detail and/or size would cut correctly. Serial connection fixed that problem, cuts anything and everything twice as fast now.
  2. kart45

    My Helmet

    Been busy with work and other vinyl jobs that my helmet has been neglected Anyways I raided the scrap boxes and got carried away. Also figured out my "R" dilemma that I posted about a little earlier Does it look cluttered?
  3. kart45

    Reflective Vinyl... Please help

    Cutting is the same in my experience with racecar numbers, just lower cutting depth/higher blade pressure on thicker material. It also seems to have a tendancy to rip/tear a little easier on sharp cut angles. I've only used Avery and 3M reflectives; 3M was easier to work with but it had some sort of patterned backing on it that gave it a slight texture, Avery was smooth but required a little extra att'n prepping and applying.
  4. kart45

    Our Newbie Photos

    Forum + Vacation = Anyways, welcome to the forum and, unlike some other forums, I can say I've found some great people here with a wealth of knowledge. I will say that I do agree on the .info though. I'm in the same boat with you too , my site is thru webs.com (do what I say, not what I do ) The Jeep layout is bitchin, and especially getting hooked up with a dealer that wants to hawk your work is a nice little cherry on top!
  5. kart45

    not bad for a newbie

    Most of my jobs entail a moment like that, especially when I'm just about out of the specialty vinyl I ordered specifically for the job That is a great lookin bus though I've always wanted to build-up my dad's old 166 Auto-Craft out of his old midget and turn a bus into a fun little rig
  6. kart45

    thanks to everyone

    Jumpin on the "Thanks" train :thumbsup: 2-4-6-8 Who do we appreciate? USCUTTER
  7. kart45

    New Moderators

    Looking forward to 'change' :thumbsup: Personally I didn't have much to complain about (meaning kudos to those who have served the sponges like me ) Congrats guys and I know I'll try to be on my best behavior to keep this place running strong.
  8. kart45

    Looking for Ideas

    Haha :thumbsup: That's what I was thinking, I just kept getting sidetracked by 'Full House' images for some reason... go for the vintage look, keep that styling and possibly coloring (like vintage T-shirt)
  9. I'm looking for an orange cone vector to use as an 'A' in a driver's name (races SCCA) Tried searching but as usual I have better luck here
  10. Hey I still consider myself a noob around here This is 'the' forum where you will definitely find the resources you need to get your ?'s answered. While I would never consider myself a pro, I can answer at least one of your questions. Contour cutting (as I understand it) is used primarily for printed vinyl. The design is printed on the white vinyl, then a contour cutter will either a) have some sort of optical guide to tell it where to cut around the printed design, or use a preset offset around the design, starting at a common reference point. option would be used primarily if your printer does not function as a cutter as well. Do I have it right, oh almighty wise ones (a.k.a. super hero members/mods )?
  11. kart45

    Looking for Traffic Cone, Pylon

    It's a DNA font, 'Crown Title' http://fontpark.net/font/2-crown-title-3-dna/en
  12. kart45

    Looking for Traffic Cone, Pylon

    Thanks tek, I had a last minute idea to double check the old clip-art stash and found one that seemed to fit a little better... Here's what ended up on the car
  13. kart45


    Good Stuff What did u use for the substrate? Coroplast?
  14. kart45

    The Coolest Weeding Tool EVER!

    +1 dull/chipped Xacto and tweezers. My dad is in the watch & clock repair business and has loads of tweezers that have been deformed enough to make them worthless for watch repair - but they are excellent for the tough micro-weeding jobs That being said I do like the idea of being able to put a cap on the sharp end, great idea!
  15. Wall-art in process My car makes some cool stripes It gets in the way of beer-drinkin though... That signature is awesome, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be makin t-shirts with that on the back (with your approval :))
  16. So we were out in the shop last night, drinkin a few beers, and thought man it would be sweet to build a dual stage wing for our RC Sprint Car... So after much weeping and knashing of teeth, it came to pass The main question here is we have scaled cad drawings that we can export to .eps and lexan sheets ready to cut. Anybody have experience cutting or scoring this material? Do I even dare feed it through the trusty PCUT?
  17. kart45


    I have those moments all too often Hooray I was able to help out a "Super Hero Member" :)
  18. kart45

    App tape - I'm dumb.

    Haha I'm right there with ya... I'm trying to finish off my 24" roll so I can justify a smaller roll. While it works great for larger graphics, I'm finding that most of my stuff would have been covered nicely with a 10-15" roll. I'm also finding that the heat really brings out the tac on the Rtape clear choice... makes it waaaay too sticky
  19. kart45


    Bleeding Cowboys (wow what a name ) http://fontpark.net/font/bleeding-cowboys/en
  20. kart45

    Cancer Ribbons for a friend

    Thank you for posting the ribbon, I am using in support of a missing child locally, handing these out for free.
  21. So I searched thru the topics looking for some insight and found this one. I'm looking into buying a 24"+ rotary trimmer for cutting straight edges on finished vinyl jobs. I have a guillotine style cutter that I use on anything smaller than about 14", and then also a pizza cutter with straight edge (I usually screw that up though ) but I'm thinking that I want to get a rotary style cutter that I can clamp the finished product to and cut and exact straight line. I've had some customers complain a little about my finish work (vinyl graphic is cut right, but they had trouble installing cause the xfer tape was applied crooked, etc... I just politely mention something about operator error...) So my Google search led me to eBay, and this is what I'm thinkin (ie:this was the cheapest)... any input good or bad? http://cgi.ebay.com/TallyGenicom-Rotary-Paper-Trimmer-24-Long-GrayOrange_W0QQitemZ180389215882QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2a0008fe8a&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14#ht_1934wt_958
  22. We race in our backyards ;D I hauled a couple pickup loads of clay in for a little bullring in my backyard and thanks for the tips sarconastic, will be trying that out on future projects :thumbsup:
  23. kart45

    Bad weekend for us

    Yikes - Glad you guys made it out in one piece. I always say one bent piece is better than pieces On a related note (and this intended in humor, not as any potential slam towards pulling - I grew up watchin Army Armstrong on TNT ), I thought of you guys when I made this little graphic for my cousin yesterday. We've come to use the term 'Full Pull' for a good night of drinkin and/or a 'satisfying trip' to the mens room )if ya know what I'm sayin
  24. kart45

    Stepping down as a moderator...

    I don't know the issues, and from the best I can tell all this started happening right about the time I got my plotter up and running and contracted 'the sickness' I do have to say that this forum has been an invaluable asset to me and my 'moonlighting' I have learned so much over the last 9 months or so, and I would say all of that is related in some form to this forum. I can't stand B.S. forums where one contributor says something about the weather on the east coast and then the poo-flingin begins because someone got offended about the color of this guys house in Arizona (completely unrelated to 'original post') That's the main reason I choose to check this forum and not others. I'm coming to find out that the regulars here are absolutely the best resources I've found to date and they are willing help (almost immediately in some cases). Kinda hard to find anywhere else online let-alone in person these days While I don't know your real names or have much of a connection at all other than this forum, I would like to thank you FireMalt and BannerJohn for your efforts up to now. As usual in online forums now-adays, thank you's come few and far between and usually too late, but either way know that you are appreciated and you've helped me produce some really cool stuff I never-in-a-million years thought I would be capable of doing :thumbsup:
  25. kart45


    +1 RapidTac (yellow/brown sweet smelling stuff) Haven't tried the blue stuff yet but that will be on the next order fo' sho'