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Posts posted by WHIT72

  1. I work from home, I'm exclusively word of mouth. I do mostly t shirts but want to get into lettering and decals,.just can't find the time.

    It keeps me busy, I have a fulltime career already. I just enjoy doing it.

    I think if I put some effort into advertising I could easily be making some decent money, I'm just not at the point I want to get that involved, I have young kids so I want to spend the majority of my off time with them and my wife.

    Maybe when there in school full time, that changes, and when the overtime bell rings I need to answer it.because it's a considerable amount of money. So a few things take priority over this for me right now but in the future I can see that changing.

    For a college student, you could make some decent money if your work is tight and you don't have to compete with overhead.

  2. That's the thing Dakota, I'm my worst enemy. When I'm asked to design something it has to be perfect, I can't simply throw something together. My roots are in graphic design so I have to make it perfect and that often costs me the most time.

    The thing is, I think customers just assume it took us five minutes to throw something together.

    Oh well, at Times I think I'll just buy a disk with a million clip art, Joe Smo dosent seem to care if it's original or not and they certainly don't want to pay for it.

  3. I havent been charging either.


    It seems people that come to me have know idea what they want, so I put something together and they want to change or they like it but they want to add something.


    I dont use clipart, not that I wouldnt I just thinks its cool to wear something no one else will ever own, My customers are usually thrilled with the finished product, at times its a pain in the butt to actually get to the final product.

  4. So I had a clever idea, I need your help wiith fruition.

    Has anyone ever scene any material for temporary tattoos?

    I do some tattoo art and thought it would be cool if I could cut a temporary they could put on to see now they like it.

    I've seen then for the cameo, any experience with them , quality?


  5. So this guy comes to me wants 24 t-shirts, two sided left front logo, six inch by ten inch on the back. I do the logo for him, takes about 60 minutes to design.

    Ten bucks a piece, I tell him. The guy thinks he's getting robbed.

    Four bucks a shirt, 1.70 in vinyl each shirt and I didn't charge for the artwork.

    Seems fair to me.

    I don't use clip art, everything is custom designed.

    Your thoughts?

    I told him to have a nice day. I don't work for peanuts, I don't pay my bills either by cutting vinyl, so I guess I can pick and choose.

    Was I being stubborn?