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Posts posted by Budsoda

  1. Harley Davidson is bad about coming after you.. I was told that GM, Disney, WB-warner bros.. will come after you to.. I was at a super chevy show about 3 years ago and there was this guy in a trailer selling decals..  but no chevy no gm nothing.. so I said hey where the chevy bowtie at .. he told me he didn't have the rights to sell them.. so I try to get him to cut me one.. he said no way he got burn for selling them one time and he would never do that again... so I ask him how much is the rights to sell them he told me it was a 5 year deal and it was over 100k... so I don't think anyone on ebay as the rights to any of the copyright thing they are selling..

  2. I need a good font management or a font editor tool...(I Think).. what has happen to me is that I have cut and pasted font from Corel & Adobe Illustrator and other program to my window font folder.... so now I have 3 or 4 copy of this font and 5 or 6 copy of that font... and some of the font are the same but don't have same names.. so anyone know of a FREE program I can look at them and delete the copy ones at the same time...?