S. Johnson

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Everything posted by S. Johnson

  1. S. Johnson

    Need these two fonts names please

    I really appreciate it you guys. Thanks so much!
  2. S. Johnson

    Losing detail after Bitmap Trace

    So, I have a crown that I'm am trying to use and when I trace it in inkscape, I lose a lot of the detail. Its not THAT small so I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any info would be great! The first is the original The second is after its traced with Edge detection selected and a .20 Threshold Thank you Clipboard01.bmp Clipboard012.bmp
  3. S. Johnson

    EPS Files not showing up

    I thought I had unzipped the file but can not find the fonts for use. I will try WinRAR and see what happens. Thank you for your time you guys.
  4. S. Johnson

    EPS Files not showing up

    Hi Everyone, The names Shavon. I'm stuck with a stupid problem. I have been looking at so much information my brain hurts but still haven't found my answer. Stupid Problem #1 I have downloaded a pic as an EPS file for SB. What program do I need to have to view it? I have tried the "open" command in SB and Inkscape and also the "import" command and nothing works. This is probably an eyeroller but I'm stuck and have tried researching it. Thanks a Billion! Problem #2 What about fonts? I've looked at some of the websites generously submitted for free fonts. When I am downloading the zip file everything is fine. However I can never unzip them or get them to be available for use, any suggestions? Feel free to send verbal abuse about how mindless I must be, as long as you answer the questions. Thanks