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Everything posted by CRD

  1. CRD

    Modelcar wrapping

    How you do this? Easy.............. Take the body, no work. Make panels manually with paper and pen. Scan the panels and trace them into vectors. Cut the panels with regular vinyl and check if they are OK. 100% sure they are not. :-) Redo untill 100%, roughly 8 hours of work sofar. Make template of the panels. Make a design over the panels. Print the design. Contour cut the design according to the panels. Apply the decals. Easy? :-) Exchange of templates always possible to discuss. Only sharing, sorry no. Paco
  2. CRD

    Cutting In Reverse

    See picture and check if mirror option has a mark in the checkbox. Paco
  3. CRD

    oversized contour cut

    Good to hear it works. Patience and good reading and like you said step by step and not skipping any as you think you know it all step and your there. Vinyl calls for patience from start to finish, regardless the job. Ejoy contour cut as a new world opens up. Paco
  4. CRD

    oversized contour cut

    Blade ofset of 0.00000 cant be correct for the start if you use a knife. when using a pen to test it is OK. I am more interested in the screenshot of the contour cut settings. Use a rectangle around your contour and use the three corners as regmarks. Set contour cut mark size in SC at 0 mm. There is a full how to contour cut correctly written for it in the instructional section by Nukleon. Paco
  5. Did you use the same machine in X2 and Pro selection box? If not try to select and other Pcut machine to see if this is of any help. If not create a support ticket at SC. Paco
  6. CRD

    contout cutting

    JPSS you print in mirror. 3Gopaque you DO NOT print in mirror!
  7. CRD

    Debating a lifetime license...

    Hi Sparky, Understand your thinking, but still disagree. But that is my personal opinion. Paco
  8. CRD

    Debating a lifetime license...

    Sparky, One thing that I find strange that in the western regular world we design from left to right and read too that way. If we stand in front of a plotter we look from .............yes left to right. However in sign cut you have to turn your head to make sure what was on your screen in for example coreldraw will be plotted in the same orientation. There is an otpion to rotate and even automated by a check box when the file is imported but we still keep looking at a screen that no corresponds with the design screen. Sounds strange and if you change this some oldies will have problems but new users will understand more easily what is going on. Does this sound strange for an engineer? I know from experience as engineer myself you have to think as an end user who does not understand and technical design. What do you think? Paco
  9. CRD


    Ok for the serial port. You cant print directly from corel to the Pcut. Your need always a cutting program like Flexi or Sign cut pro. Read the new bie manual in the instructional section where it explains all ahout the programs. Paco
  10. CRD

    Contour Cutting NOT working!!!

    Sorry I am not used to work with Inkscape. I do not have the plotter any more so I cant try it if I know how to work with inkscape. There must be others using Inkscape and Signcut pro to contour cut. If they read this please assist. Regards, Paco
  11. CRD

    Debating a lifetime license...

    Hello Sparky, And welcome to stumble to this or any other forum where people use Signcut in one way or the other? Are you Kimon helping out or just bashing around in your free time on the forums? :-) I know you said your a programmer. Is there ever been a poll request for people to add USEFULL function to SCP2? Or has that been raised somewhere else? Maybe an idea to do this before the release of the new version instead afterwards. Regards, a happy SC user.
  12. CRD

    color layers not translating properly

    A small sample file you make which also is not good on your PC? Or is it just one file that does not work? Or send file to info"add" and I will check it. Paco
  13. CRD

    corel x3 & falconII printer

    You need a RIP for it. Paco
  14. CRD


    Did ever started to work. The port on the cutter is a 25 serial port from the picture seen. It is not a parallel port as that should have clips to hold the parallel port cable. If it is connected with serial you need to select the correct com port! Com 1 or Com 2 and still need to be set to the correct settings in windows hardware. This is the same one? it says 38 inch............. :-) You can use the trial from Signcut Pro as the driver is there inside the SC PRO. Paco
  15. CRD

    color layers not translating properly

    Do you have a sample file? Paco
  16. CRD

    Cutting fonts in SC

    Desgin in any other vector program and use SC to send or import the design to the plotter/cutter. That is what is SC designed for. It is not a vector design program but a plugin. Paco
  17. CRD

    SignCut Pro (off) tracking

    First you have to calibrate the contour cut first. In settings there is a calibration, do this first. A4 paper and pen needed! SCpro willl remember it for next cuts. When this is done first start with paper and pen before performing real contour cut with vinyl. Use advanced CONTOURCUT in SC PRO and check the 3 regmarks option. Make contour cut regmark size "0mm"!!!!!!! Put the pen in for aligning the regmarks. Perform advanced contour cut. At reg mark 3 replace the pen for the knife and then hit return so it starts to cut/plot. If your going to use CC more then a laser pointer would be easier or buy a Summa :-) Let me know if you got the basic working.
  18. CRD

    SignCut Pro (off) tracking

    I always have problems with your guys metric system. How do you align the registrtation marks? How many markers do you use 2 or 3? The MH machine does not have a laser pointer if I am correct. Paco
  19. CRD

    Cannot figure out how to cut this

    They invented transfer tape for this!!!! :-) If you still like to do it your way weld all objects to one. Google is the new age best freind Paco
  20. Uninstall SCP and try again. If it worked for me it should work for everyone. Paco
  21. CRD

    CS5,com_quickfaq/Itemid,69/cid,4/view,category/ Paco
  22. CRD

    the box around the image

    here you go unckeck this.
  23. CRD

    Contour Cut Template and Bombsights

    Your bombsight has a diameter of 5 mm? that makes the offset if you not compensate for it in SC Pro contour cut setting. The trick with the rectangle works the best and align on all three corners. Or ............... Once you made your bombsigth markers draw a rectangle on the crossing points. Print the bombsight markers not the rectangle but use the rectangle when setting up SC for contour cut not the bobmbsight markers. Let me know if you understand. Cheers, Paco
  24. CRD

    Registration Mark Problem

    I never worked with robo craft but shouldnt there be the regmarks also in the cut file which is the preview in the last cut screen does not show. Try to make the marker lines a little thicker. Try to make the markers a little more away from the design. Try a simpel A4 size paper print and start from there. Do not know if Robo has samples you can use first that SHOULD work. Paco
  25. CRD

    MH721 Cutter

    Take an A4 sheet and put the pen in and see if the problem is there too with not closing lines. Set the offset to zero when using the pen. Try different sizes circles. As this is probably not a signcut problem try to cut with SignBlazer and see if that give the same problem. Paco