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Everything posted by kburk

  1. kburk

    Fire truck

    Hey I was just looking for a fire truck!!! Thanks a buddy of mine is retiring Thanks Keith
  2. kburk

    Finally,the truth

    Wow!!! :laugh:
  3. kburk

    Chevy Design

    Hey Nice Job!! That sure is a big orange mug you buddy has What
  4. kburk

    question about my sign

    Sorry here is the graphic
  5. kburk

    So a question? how do I....

    Sorry I guess I should show you the graphic
  6. So I have this banner job 22"x72" x25 banners is soon turns in to some more work another 6-8 banner. I have a few door signs some parking spot signs 2 road signs and 2 big bay door signs. This is all good!! I really was not looking for work with the cutter but hey I'm not complaining. Thing is I want to put a logo on the banners the client is all good with this. I don't have a logo so I was thinking I will for now just put this little Banner by de sol and my number. What I would like to do is have the letter ( ya sorry just getting to the point now) I would like to have the letter follow the arc of the ellipse I banner by.svg banner by.svg
  7. kburk

    So a question? how do I....

    Ok so I went in a bit of a different direction with the sign. What do you think? and I have a few questions. 1) I took the shape and duplicated it then manipulated it but I can't figure out how to cut the yellow wisp of the top. it would be cutting part of the shape off. 2) I would like to make the contracting like the de sol in color but split at the a so the a is half yellow and half black. If some could suggest how to do these things that would be super thanks a bunch. Keith
  8. kburk

    question about my sign

    Ok so I went in a bit of a different direction with the sign. What do you think? and I have a few questions. 1) I took the shape and duplicated it then manipulated it but I can't figure out how to cut the yellow wisp of the top. it would be cutting part of the shape off. 2) I would like to make the contracting like the de sol in color but split at the a so the a is half yellow and half black. If some could suggest how to do these things that would be super thanks a bunch.
  9. kburk

    So a question? how do I....

    Hey Steve. Another question for you about the text I'm trying to make it center on the ellipse but not so much at this point. Any suggestions. What I would like is for de sol contracting inc. to be in the yellow but to follow the ellipses on the top center. :- Also thanks for the link to the manual it really helps Keith
  10. kburk

    A few for Nascar Fans..

    Nice work!! Hey are you doing vinyl and then air brushing?? I have a Blades cx2 helicopter and I would like to customize the body. Thanks Keith
  11. kburk

    m/c tank lid

    Sweet. Nice Job!! Keith
  12. kburk

    A Bit Bigger Than A Window Decal

    You know what they say go big or go home!! nice work. Keith
  13. kburk

    Dye sublimation mugs

    Hey Jenny, I would like to do short runs with a few diffrent logos. When I got the vinyl cutter it was just to do some signs for myself. Now I'm doing Banner and Signs for a bunch of my clients and the other companies I work with. So on that note what do you suggest ? First and formost it would be promo stuff from my company to my clients. Kind of a HEY DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME!!! In commercial construction they use you and throw you out :'( Really I'm getting tired of buying donuts for everone. Cheap is ok but if the cup looks crappy in 6 months how is my work in 6 months :- I'm very good at what I do and I would like to make/give client and others a gift to say thanks guys for all the work, or hey What about De Sol for the work you thinking of doing. Every body drinks Coffie in Vancouver B.C.!! I would like to make other things aslo but I just have not figured out what yet? Anyhow yes if you could point me in a direction because I know nothing about it. Keith
  14. kburk


    I was at my supplier yesterday and he looked at me like I was nuts when I asked that question So you got me? Keith
  15. kburk

    Dye sublimation mugs

    Thanks Jenny, I would like to buy a mug press and on a small scale make some mugs. I will hit the net and find out what I need to do this. Cheers Keith
  16. kburk

    So a question? how do I....

    yes that will do! thanks Steve I will post the graphic when it is done Keith
  17. kburk


    Hey, and good luck!! Keith
  18. kburk

    Another Laptop Skin

    Nice I should do a Skin for my Toshiba!! well done. Keith
  19. kburk

    My 1st banner..........

    Jenny, I like it nice banner!! Good for you Keith
  20. kburk

    First Paying Job

    Very Good!! Keith
  21. kburk

    Monthly Lunch Menu Board for a Preschool

    I love it!! My wife is a Teacher and she thinks it is great to Keith
  22. kburk


    Nicely done Keith
  23. kburk

    Dye sublimation mugs

    Nice mugs Hey this is something I was wondering about I need stuff like this for promo. How much and how tuff is this to do in short runs say 20 to 30 cups per design. I would max out I think at about 150 cups very small amount but I would be doing logos and such for My company and a few other I know thanks Keith
  24. kburk

    Fresh Paint!

    Yep!! your a pro!! Very SWEEEEEETTTTT!!!! Keith
  25. kburk

    24"x18" magnet
