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Posts posted by VIP

  1. Is there anyone here willing to help me out by sending me their price lists for vinyl(automobiles and signs), coroplast(vinyl and screened), magents, banners, and other items?

    I am not trying to take the "easy way" out, because I know what everything costs me and my time. I also don't want to severely "undercut" my competition either.  I would like to just see how others in the field are pricing these things out. I can't find complete lists anywhere around here.  Would you be willing to share?  If so, could you please send to ?

    Thanks in advance!!

  2. Just wanted to see what everyone else is charging for heat pressing numbers and names on the back of shirts. I had an order of 50 recently and used Easyweed. I charged $2.00 for the numbers and $2.00 for the names. I spent $37 each for 15"x5yard rolls(needed 4 rolls). I made $50 on just the vinyl which does not seem worth it with all the time I spent weeding.

    So my question is what are you charging if you do it? I am trying to get a general idea so I know if I am in the ball park. I don't want to run people off with too high prices obviously, but I am not going to do this for free either.

  3. Hello All,

    Now that I am getting used to my LP24 I have started doing up my van with some lettering. First couple ones haven't gone so well, but I am getting the hang of it.

    Anyway, I need a large graphic printed on vinyl. It is a person that would be span from the top of my Astro van to the bottom. Actually it is just his torso and part of his head.  It would probably be around 5' x 3'.

    What are my options? Just go to a local sign shop and ask them to do it? or does anyone here do it(I would pay obviously). I am leary of going into a sign shop because they will know that someone else would be doing the lettering and I don't want them to charge me more because of it.

  4. if the blade holder is not going down when it is supposed to,there is something wrong with the cutter.It should appear,when cutting,that the bottom of the holder is touching the vinyl.It's not a settings issue.

    Thank you...this is more like what I wanted to hear. Not trying to be a PITA, just wanting to use this thing!

    Also, I can physically "push" the carriage down to the vinyl, but it won't do it on its own.

    So, I guess the question now is how do I get this corrected? Kenimes, I assume this is your company, do I send it back? or will you send out a new part?  Should I check something to make sure everything is in working order?

    I can take some shots of it if you need to see something in particular.

  5. I never use the up or down arrows to move the carriage arm up and down, the carriage arm will drop the blade to the material when it is supposed to when cutting.

    OK, Forget everything else I said about wanting to drop the carriage arm.  The knife is not going down to cut the vinyl, period. Yes its in the carriage right. The lip is resting on top of the carrier. Yes, the knife is barely sticking out. The damn thing will just not "move down" to cut the vinyl. Everything else seems fine. Is it a setting in SignBlazer? Is it the pressure?

    Obviously it could be something I am doing wrong, but the way people talk on here leads me to believe that everything is simple to set-up and get running. I AM mechanically inclined. I know how things work generally, but this is not.

  6. I browsed through this forum to try to find an answer before I posted, but yes it appears the unit is on the track. It moves perfectly like it is cutting, but the knife/knife holder is not down enough. It's not even touching the vinyl. As far as the down arrow, I am not talking about the one to move the vinyl, I am talking about the one that supposedly moves the knife up and down.

    I Quote from another thread "No manual for the LaserPoitn at this time, but with regards to the cutter, you really only need to know how to turn it on, set the origin and cut speed and downforce. This is all done with the control panel. The software you will probably need a manual for, and it can be found in the SignBlazer category."

    This has not been my experience thus far. When I opened the package, the carrier was held in place by two wire-ties so it would not move while in transit. Is there something else I have not removed so the blade would touch the vinyl?