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Posts posted by polarkiss

  1. Alaskans (myself included) have been trying to get them to open ANWR for YEARS... and they always shoot it down in congress for some pissy "environmental" reason or another.

    My family has been in the oil industry for decades and here are some facts:

    Yes it is a national refuge.  A refuge of thousands and thousands of miles of muskeg and swampland.  A godawful place where only a few tiny villages are - none of which would be affected by drilling.  Total drilling area would encompass an area smaller than the Dullus International Airport and would be less than 2000 acres.

    Rig drilling is encompassed on a "pad"  a protective barrier of rock imported on top of a plastic barrier so no seepage could ever take place. This is removed when the drilling is done and only the wellhead remains.

    Road are built in the winter using only ice.  They are temporary and you cannot tell they were even there when they melt.

    Caribou migration is not effected.  600 miles above the Arctic Circle, on the north slope where my dad worked, every year the caribou migrated through and the herd was so enormous it literally took WEEKS for them to all pass by. 

    The environment will be affected?  Alaskans cry BULLS**T.  This is a tactic to keep the oil companies rich by regulating the flow - and slowly bringing us to our knees. 

    YES we need to reduce our dependence on oil.  And once it's gone, it's gone. New energy sources need to be developed.  But this story of not enough oil to go around - and us buying from other countries when we could supply our own...  It is only making us into a weaker nation.

    Whew!  I need a beer now.

  2. So far just using free samples and getting stuff shipped up from Signwarehouse.

    I have a local print supplier who is only carrying LG Vizuon so I might have to start going through them... but they only sell 50' rolls.

    I will try to find the link for the people who will sell the matte by the yard.

  3. That is an excellent step by step resource you typed up Firemalt.  :lol:

    It would be good to sticky as a "Start here if you are new to graphics & cutting" for a reference for beginners...

    and mabye link a few other tutorial threads to it that others have typed up.

    I know there are hundreds of threads for all kinds of skill levels in the Instructional area - so new people get frustrated when they have to hunt around for a place to start.