Ravenwind / One Off Grafx

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Posts posted by Ravenwind / One Off Grafx

  1. In flexi 8 there is a tab on the top that say's "effects" click that and the drop down menu has outline in it. select your text and then select outline and a box will open to set the outline width and with or without backing, set these options and then check the box "keep original" and hit the check mark and it is done. hope this will help you.

    this is what i was just going to say

  2. True Snapper not hand painting it :). I do enough airbrushed signs don't want to get into too many hand painted 4x8 s lol. It is sad to see the hand painted sign industry go by the wayside since all the new vinyl printed signs. It is a big part of history we are loosing. We had a old sign painter here but passed away right after doing a sign. And on a side note it was the first sign i remade in vinyl that he did when he passed. would have loved to learn the ropes of hand painting the old way. But enough of my ramblings thanks for the tips.

  3. I have to do a 4x8 sign on E panel painted bright yellow sign,red letters, and a arrow. Just going to lay down paint mask 811 oracal and spray it. I have no idea how to price a sign like this. Does anyone out there do hand painted signs? what do you charge for them? This sign in the picture is only 4 to 5 years old, and she had a vinyl one befor this that lasted a couple of years. so im going to give her a painted one with a car finish over it. Hopeing it will last a bit longer.
