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About Denngo

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  1. I solved it. the problem is the power cord., before it was connected to power outlet together with Imac, Printer, electric fan & cutter. i plug the power to a main outlet and it was running continuosly till it finish. Now i am cutting even if i make many ups. i have a job for 21 tshirt front & back, gold sticker. ever since i change the outlet its not stopping i am about halfway with my job happy that cutter is working fine . Thank you all guys for your help and suggestions.
  2. Its happening on all jobs, im thinking SCAL cannot handle more complicated jobs with more nodes. Im thinking of the cable but the serial port is older version and USB is much faster. Maybe i should use it 2 to 3 times a month so it will not get stock/old.
  3. Hi I need help my cutter stop cutting 25% of job or sometime halfway. I try static spray & ground wire but still not working. Its only more than 2 years old and not using it everyday. Im using SCAL pro 4 software on Imac Sonora desktop . thank you