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Everything posted by inosome

  1. I am working in VinylMaster LTE v4 and I have Linotype Helvetica® Now Pro Text Medium (OT-CFF) purchased and installed on my Windows 10 Pro 64 bit desktop. I have that font set as my default font in VinylMaster and I need a Capital Height or Physical Size of .5 (i.e. 1/2) inch for me job. Yet, when I set the physical size to .5 inch the product both cut, on-screen and printed is much smaller than 1/2 inch and to achieve the 1/2 inch all capital letters I must set physical size to around .780 I have also tried setting size to 36pt but get exact result as .5 inch setting. This does not happen with Arial of Calibri etc and in MS Word the Helvetica font is true to font size setting...i.e if I set .5 inch the capital characters print .5 inch. I am not a professional and a novice to VinylMaster but I have tried researching this issue and am somewhat confused. It would be most appreciated if somebody could give me some help with this. Thanks