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Registration marks in Flexi question

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Is there a way I can my registration marks one whole piece instead of cutting a square cut into four diamonds or a circle cut into four?  Thank you!!

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I went through this too...For me personally, i found it much easier to make my own....just draw a small square then rotate it 45 deg. and it makes a diamond...then select it...control C (copy) then control V (paste) and youll have them both, and align the horizontal them out like you want them...then group them.

Lets assume your design has 2 and white..make the first pair you made black..and make sure they are grouped before you do this part.....

Now click one of those (it will select them both because they are grouped) and once Control C...then Control you have 2 pairs...make the 2nd one white (also make sure you dont have a stroke on either one of them.

Now select all 4 marks...and align the vertical center AND the horizontal center...that stacks them. (might help to put the black set on top, so you can see it.) then with all 4 the 2 they all move as one.

move it just above your graphic and select the whole thing and cut it :thumbsup:

All that is actually a 30 second process once you get used to it..just remember that you need one pair of reg. marks for each color that you have in your design...and the colors have to match exaclty, or it will simply add an extra color to it.(i usually just use the eyedropper (or color picker tool) and just click the color in the design to set it for the reg. marks)

Just in case you havent done this, it makes life SOOO much easier when youre doing multicolor if you go to your options in the prod. manager...and choose `single job seperate colors` and make sure `pause between colors` is checked....then it will cut one color...then stop, and wait for you to load your next color, then hit ok and there it goes :thumbsup:...also if you get your size set in the prod. manager...then hit done...then save it....the settings in the prod. manager will stay every time you bring it say you mess up on the white while youre weeding can bring it back up...and when it says black..just hit SKIP...and it will move to the white...and you can just cut that one.

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