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Everything posted by bayotle

  1. bayotle

    Lets help BannerJohn out!

    Ahhhh if only I had the time to get into this... The medical profession needs regulation and oversite, but it also needs to stay in the public sector. The government has yet to impliment anything properly, social security and welfare come to mind.
  2. bayotle

    a man who had almost nothing, yet had it all.

    Never to late to live the life you want to!
  3. bayotle


    Oh and the corvette is BLACK, it's your undies that are pink!
  4. bayotle


    Class clown?? I just follow your lead! As far as a chatroom, they've pretty much died off, only way it would 'go' is having it scheduled. My 'chatrooms' been up for 10 years, problem is someone pop's in and no one else is there they leave, cycle continues.... I know my schedule varies from day to day so best case I might make it once a week, or every few weeks. I know with Dancing with the stars Rodger wont make it if you schedule it at the same time!
  5. bayotle


    And here i just figured it was my browser or something! not a problem for me if i can't update my status....
  6. bayotle


    Thought you said it wasn't an issue??
  7. bayotle


    el no got'o! And at least the kids at my store appreciate it!
  8. bayotle


    Byte me, that was someone of my vinyl work!!!
  9. bayotle


    Oh no way in h3ll I'm falling for that - no one here wants to know what was in your hand you couldn't find!!! yeah, that one was like shooting fish in an aquarium
  10. bayotle


    No biggy, forgot what i was gonna change it to anyways!
  11. And that's almost the exact same response I got when i asked about my mh871 leaving tread marks 7 months ago!
  12. bayotle

    Bayotle rumor ??

    Ash, being from NC i KNOW you're familiar with the dumber and dumber scenario... Rodger, practice, practice, practice.... when you learn to rack properly your balls wont hurt so much! And Dakota, no worries, no one wants your title of King Dolt! Well Rodger might be we all know he doesn't have enough experience .... yet!
  13. bayotle

    No Guns allowed?

    Hey, I just need the circle with the line through it, already had the fat chick!!
  14. bayotle

    Registration Marks

    Don't be giving Rodger any ideas....
  15. bayotle

    Bayotle rumor ??

    Being the jeanious I am I've come up with a solution for the Monday blues - The store's closed on Mondays so I'll be sleeping late! Now off to watch Predator!
  16. bayotle

    Bayotle rumor ??

    Only rack when shootin solo, I make it a point to never rack during a tourney And game of choice? 3,9, straight, bank, last pocket, doesn't matter to me! And you're in luck, pool hall is about 9 doors down from me! (Ash, dont act surprised, everyone in the 4um knew that! )
  17. bayotle

    Bayotle rumor ??

    In that case, that makes me the MAN, cause i can shoot! Now that's settled, there shouldn't be any more questions about who the man is and who the ***** is!!!
  18. bayotle

    Bayotle rumor ??

    Said it before, i'll say it again, it's gettin real deep in these 4ums! Another internet pool player, all talk and no balls! Last guy that talked shyt to me i just responded, wait till the 1st drink and i'll show you you're maker! :mellow: <-- his expressions after the first few 5 rail shots (and yes, the images are color corrected!! )
  19. bayotle

    Bayotle rumor ??

    You may hate to rack but think you're going to hafta get over it, i hate to lose, well that's not really accurate, lets just say I don't know what it's like to lose... Ran my first rack on my first game - when i was 12
  20. bayotle

    No Guns allowed?

    Wow, you have no clue how much that looks like my ex! (Which is the reason for the jack!!! )
  21. bayotle

    Bayotle rumor ??

    y yes i do, y?
  22. bayotle

    Jury Duty, Anyway around it?

    and on that note, I'm staying put .... $3.39/gal Actually luckier than most I guess, I live like 2 miles from the shop, and may have to fill up once every month or so
  23. bayotle

    Bayotle rumor ??

    Dont make me mark your comments negative and send you to the corner! Oh and no more posting those sick animations, Rodgers liable to get excited!!