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Everything posted by kitconceptz

  1. kitconceptz

    Varsity Style Letter Help

    Looking to do this for a school, any help would be appreciated. Thank!
  2. kitconceptz

    Varsity Style Letter Help

    Just realized this didn't attach, I'm so not use to the attach function....
  3. kitconceptz

    Just need saved as CS3 File Please

    I have this file, it's saved as a newer version then what I have which is CS3. Can someone out there who has a newer version please just save as a CS3 file for me. Thanks! 2012 Seal with Maroon Star.eps
  4. kitconceptz

    Just need saved as CS3 File Please

    Appreciate the help!! Thanks!
  5. kitconceptz

    Just need saved as CS3 File Please

    It doesn't have an option for me to export an .eps on here so when I go to export it won't give me that option. I was reading and it says that you really can't do it, you need someone with a new adobe to save as and place it as a CS3....if you are able to do it, that would be great! Thanks for the help
  6. kitconceptz

    Crescent moon help

    It's for my buddies DJ business. He was asking for help for vectorizing. Any help is appreciated! Thanks
  7. kitconceptz

    Crescent moon help

    I got it handled, thanks thou!
  8. kitconceptz

    Crescent moon help

    I have it all handled except for the teeth to be the teeth aren't worth that. Just know some people are a little quicker with inkscape then I am, so was asking a favor. It's not something i'm making money off of, it's for a friend
  9. kitconceptz

    Stormtrooper for S&G

    Really for S&G Guys! But I found this one hilarious and when I try to vector it, it's distorting a bit on my end...Thanks appreciate the help!
  10. kitconceptz

    angel wings

    There ya go, let me know if that works gunwings.eps
  11. kitconceptz

    US Air Marshal Logo

    I'm doing it for I just needed the lines cleaned up so that the plotter will cut it cleaner. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. After that, anyone else who wants to use the vector image is more then welcome to
  12. kitconceptz

    US Air Marshal Logo

    Hey all! How's everyone doing?! I wanted to see if anyone was able to help out with a US Air Marshal Logo, it's for a friend who's about to retire and wanted to make him a little something! Let me know if ya'll could help with anything! Thanks in advance
  13. kitconceptz

    US Air Marshal Logo

    Ok so I traced it, and scanned it. I got the homeland vector for the middle and put my own version of close font for where the United States and Federal Air Marshal anyone able to help me clean up these lines? Thanks!! Y'all are helping me learn slowly but surely
  14. kitconceptz

    Sheriff Badge

    I'm trying to make it for vinyl cut with my refine from here...then what I do is I turn it into a template for paint. Thanks I'll try it
  15. kitconceptz

    Sheriff Badge

    Anyone have any suggestions on how to do this, or is anyone capable of doing this badge? It's for our local sheriff's department. The seal of texas in the middle I already have so I can probably just fill that in. Thanks
  16. kitconceptz

    Phantom Regiment Request

    Any help is appreciated. Once again it's mainly because of the text, but this is for the drum core for a personal friend of mine. Thanks for the help!
  17. kitconceptz

    Sheriff Badge

    Mark-S thanks, just picked up some carbon paper to go ahead and attempt what you suggest! If anyone winds up needing it after let me know!
  18. kitconceptz

    Phantom Regiment Request

    Thanks, perfect!! How did you clean up the font? I'm trying to slowly learn this...thanks again
  19. kitconceptz

    Phantom Regiment Request

    Here I found a larger sized image...let me know if this helps
  20. kitconceptz

    University North Texas Vector Help

    Appreciate the help! Ok I have yet to attempt photoshop, I have a badge for a police officer neighbor i'm trying to do the same for, but def more difficult. Think if I post it you could tell me some pointers in anyway? Or if it's an easy job for you...thanks again!
  21. kitconceptz

    University North Texas Vector Help

    So I got the eagle vectorized, easy and no problem. But need help with the lettering, so it's just easier for me to post the image. Thanks for the help! Also how do you all vector lettering? I seem to have that problem with all lettering.
  22. kitconceptz

    Face Vector

    AWESOME!!! Thanks that was quick and just what I needed!
  23. kitconceptz

    Face Vector

    So I have Adobe Illustrator CS3. I'm trying to do this face logo for a friend, so any help would be appreciate it, but I am curious as to how y'all do it so quickly. Thanks and let me know. I can't figure any trace function that will do it easy. Thanks for the help!
  24. kitconceptz

    US Air Marshal Logo

    Thanks for the help I'll see what I can do with it!
  25. kitconceptz

    US Air Marshal Logo

    Hey all! How's everyone doing?! I wanted to see if anyone was able to help out with a US Air Marshal Logo, it's for a friend who's about to retire and wanted to make him a little something! Trying to do the emblem and the badge. Let me know if ya'll could help with anything! Thanks in advance