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Everything posted by grumpybadger

  1. grumpybadger

    Production tables, what have other built?

    Mine is nothing more glamorous than two portable workbenches and an 8x3 sheet of MDF. But I am only just setting out too.
  2. grumpybadger

    What Does your personal quote mean?

    Aw heck! I'd better go and think up a tag line quickly!
  3. grumpybadger

    Got a USB to a Serial Port Cord.. NOW WHAT?

    Make sure your com settings are consistent, 9600baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. You need to set them on your PC, on the cutter and in Signblazer.
  4. grumpybadger


    What a star! I have come across this issue a couple of times and that explains everything. Cheers!
  5. grumpybadger

    How do I do this??

    Thanks guys. That was a pretty stupid question. I was just being lazy as it was raining here and I didn't want to trek down to my cutter in the garage to work it out. Rain soon stopped, I went, I investigated, I came to the correct conclusion!
  6. grumpybadger

    How do I do this??

    Do you position the blade manually by hand or position it in the software somehow?
  7. grumpybadger

    It was bound to happen!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Speedoggy. I expected it was something like that.
  8. grumpybadger

    It was bound to happen!!!!!!!!!

    *Dumb Limey Question Alert* Whats Bestine?
  9. grumpybadger

    changes for usb to serial?

    Have you loaded the driver for the converter cable? I have attempted to use such a cable in the past for various bits of hardware with varying poor results. I ended up buying a PC with a serial port already built in. Sorry, I know that doesn't help you any though.
  10. grumpybadger

    It was bound to happen!!!!!!!!!

    That sucks! Its the kind of thing that would happen to me all the time. I'm just thankful I have a garage large enough to work in.
  11. grumpybadger


    Hi all. Complete newbie to vinyl and cutting here. I'm "over the pond" in the (currently) sunny UK. I have had an itch to do some vinyl art for quite a while now, predominantly automotive decals, and have finally decided to do something about it. Stumbled across this forum while Googling for info and tutorials and it seems to be far more helpful and informative than any other forum that I have come across. laready found a couple of cracking bits of info that have eluded me elsewhere. So, thanks for a great forum and get used to having me hanging around and bugging you all! Cheers! Pete
  12. grumpybadger

    Black Angus

    Welcome form Nottingham UK. I'm new myself and they seem like a top bunch
  13. grumpybadger

    Need this in .eps format. Can you help?

    How's this? Not a brilliant effort I'll grant you, but I'm new to this stuff myself. morton family reunion.eps morton family reunion.eps
  14. grumpybadger


    Woah! Thanks for the welcomes everyone.
  15. grumpybadger

    ***How To Video*** Simple Vectorize in Inkscape

    Just followed through the video thingy step by step and it worked a treat for me. Thanks for taking the time to post this up tlzimmerman.
  16. grumpybadger

    Layered Vinyl on Windows and Racecars

    I am a bit of a newb so may be wide of the mark, but I understand that the moisture causes reflective vinyl to de-laminate.