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Posts posted by XabuJr

  1. I forgot to mention, this is one of the many times that "Wireframe" view is crucial before sending to the cutter.  In wireframe mode you'll see that your thick lines turn into skinny lines if you haven't converted them to shapes...


    I saw it in the cutters mode, before sending it. I didn't hit cut, I use that to preview it.. Looks awesome cut now though.. 

  2. When you try to cut what out of the logos, what doesn't work?  Oh wait.  Are you saying that out of the logos you've found, your cutter won't cut it?  What program(s) / software are you using?


    I have a 49ers logo in AI format. Due to the shadows and everything, it's just one giant mess of lines when it goes to cut. I can't seem to find the magic setup of the right cuts to make one look 'normal' on vinyl. Thus after wasting some scrap vinyl trying, I figured I'd ask if anyone had done it yet.. :) 

  3. Not trying to sell NFL stickers, but I want to do up a joke pink sign type thing for my buddy out of vinyl who is a huge 49er fan. But when I try to cut it out of the logos I've found it does not work. Does anyone have one that is cut friendly?


    I know the rule about copyright, so if you have one can you PM it to me?  



    • Like 1

  4. Here is a fixed copy. I just traced the font but it looks fairly close. The image had not been finished properly for cutting


    That is exactly it!  Awesome! So looking at the difference, it looks like the cutter wouldn't do the stroke as a cut, how do you turn the stroke into what you did?  Good info to learn..  



  5. My nephew created this EPS file for me, in vector format. 



      using this font:



    Which I love, me and my wife.  However, when I load it into my sign cutting software it looks like this:




    That is obviously not how I envisioned it.  I want it to cut just like how it looks in the EPS. Any help or tips or tricks I can do to make that happen?? Like should I flatten it and then try a live trace?

  6. A buddy of mine is looking to wrap his Jeep in a digital camo print. It seems to hide dents well and we get a few dents every year..  Trying to find out where / how much a roll of camo wrap would be.. Anyone have any recommendations on places and about how much it'd run? 

  7. I think I know what you are trying to do.  You have a massive AI and EPS collection and you want to put a catalog together so you can easily find and show clients the files.  I tried the same thing.  I have AI files and EPS files that won't open let alone show a thumbnail unless I import them into my sign software.


    I did a search and found a program that will allow you to import all your AI and EPS files into it and display them as a thumbnail.  You can also print pages of thumbnails to create a paper catalog.  Try Extensis Protfolio and see if it will work for you. 




    Indeed, this is exactly what I want. More just to even have as a reference for me, so I can keep track of things.


    Adobe Bridge


    This looks like what I want. I'll have to look into it more this evening when things slow down..