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Posts posted by espy

  1. Anyone know how to set up the rulers to feed the vinyl through straight?  I've been using a copam 2500 (and have loved it), but had to send the original back due to warranty issue.  The new cutter is working great except that the rulers are off. That is, the blue ruler on the bottoms marks don't correspond with the top ruler marks...which makes it hard to line the vinyl up correctlly so it doesn't track to the left or right as it feeds through. 

    I think that the top ruler is removable and can be repositioned, but I've tried to get some straight consistent marks, and haven't found a way to do it.  Anyone have any tips or tricks for me.  I need to get the rulers exact as possible, because even being off slightly causes the vinyl to track to the left or right when cutting longer jobs.

    Any tips or advice would be appreciated.

  2. SOLUTION!!!  I got my new copam 2500 here today, and just as I was a cutter issue!  the new cutter cuts perfectly using the Graphtec CE1000-60 driver in Flexi.  Set it up via serial to usb, with a USB extention cable (since usb cable provided is only 3 ft long). 

    Working great...after all of that pulling my hair wonder I couldn't figure it out....hardware problem!

  3. I tried the PNC-960 and HPGL drivers, stuff comes out all garbled, and just cuts random doesn't work at all.  It seems to be tracking just fine.

    Also, I tried changing the offset in both the software, along with changing it on the cutter, neither fixed the problem.  The best results are with .20mm offset set in the software, with the cutter offset left at standard (.25mm).  But still doesn't complete the cuts.

    Also, even in signcut, it's not completing cuts...mostly on weeding lines, but I'm noticing the same gaps (about 1/8 inch), so I'm thinking it's something with the cutter itself. 

    Also, the simple fact that I've been using the cutter with the Graphtec driver with NO PROBLEMS for almost 10 months leads me to believe that it's something with the cutter.

  4. It seems to be completing the cuts just fine using signcut X2 (which doesn't allow any design functionality).  I use flexi for the design functionality it provides.  I've played with the offset, and changed settings on a range from .01mm to .60mm....and it still doesn't complete the cut. 

    Its hard as well because I'm using a graphtec driver that comes standard in flexi, and it has worked flawlessly for the past 9 months until just I'm not sure what could have changed.

    I talked to flexi, and they provided a csm file for the copam, but the file doesn't have the option for LPT1 printer port, only com port, and I couldn't get teh copam to work hooked to the com port of my computer.

    So, I think it's a software issue...too bad the copam can't figure out how to provide a descent driver that works with the industry leading design software....Flexi!

  5. I have put two different blades in (both roland blades, .25mm offset, and I've played with the offset settings in both the software, and on the copam iteself...neither way produces any fact, changing the offset in the software does nothing, neither does changing the offset on the doesn't appear to change anything at all!

    What is going on.....I have some big jobs to cut, and my cutter is acting up.  I've been using this for 9+ months without problems, and now all of the sudden it started acting up, no changes to software, no changes to blade type, etc....what could cause this....I wonder if it's the blade holder not allowing it to swivel or something.  I've cleaned the blade holder, even put a little oil on the swivel end of the blade....still no change.

    any ideas?

  6. I tried .10, .15, .20, .25, .30....

    still doesn't complete the cuts.....this just was cutting fine with .25mm offset on both the machine and set in the software.  I haven't changed anything...even checked the font using a font that I cut all the time with no problems.  This just started today.....and I'm at a loss for what to do....

    Any suggestions?

  7. My copam just started having issues completing cuts.  I've used it for months without a problem, but now for some reason it's not completing makes weeding near impossible. 

    Any ideas of what would cause it to all of the sudden not work...I changed the blade thinking a dull blade might be to blame, checked offset (.25mm).

    What perplexes me is that the problem just started......never had an issue before now.

    Any ideas?

  8. My copam 2500 has been working great with Flexi using the Graphtec driver I mentioned in a previous post, however it recently started doing some strange stuff.  Sometimes when cutting a job, the cutter will make a friction-like grinding sound, and when it does it does not advance the vinyl, however the cutter head thinks that the vinyl has been advanced, and therefore throws the cutting off....and cuts over items that have already been cut.

    I noticed that this primarily happens when the cutter goes to feed more vinyl off of the if the pinch rollers were strong enough to roll the vinyl it grinds, or skips..etc.  I Checked the rollers, and they are for the most part friction free, and very I can't imagine why the cutter would be doing this..but I've messed up a couple of big jobs becase of this....and I need to get it fixed.

    marcel...can you please call me regarding this...I think that there may be something wrong mechanically with the cutter I have...because it all of the sudden started doing this, and it seems as if the rollers just don't have enough strength to feed vinyl from the roll....which is a huge problem when you're cutting a large job.  I really love this cutter for the most part, but I just need to figure this one aspect out..and since I've only had it for a couple of months, it should still be under warranty.

  9. Do you know how to contact copam, just to see if I can get a resolution to this.  I'm about at my wits end with the cutter, and I think that I'd absolutely love it if I had the right driver for flexi, because when the cutter cuts correctly, it does a great problem is the inconsistency...sometimes it cuts a job correctly, sometimes it cuts the designs over top of each other, or just cuts garbled data.

    Also, the one problem I consistently have is with it only being able to cut 12" of a 15" wide roll of vinyl...which for me is a HUGE problem, because I cut a lot of 6" and 7" tall jobs....which creates a lot of waste if I can only utilize 12" of the vinyls cutting area.

  10. it's hard to say if it's a driver setting, but I've checked the software, and I can't find anything that would cause it to cut the lettering off...the Refine MH721 never did that, so I'm not sure what the deal is here. 

    I wish that Copam would just come up with the correct driver for Flexi, that way we'd know whether or not some of these problems are caused by not having the correct driver.

  11. Yeah, I guess I could do that...but I'm looking for a more permanent solution, as well as a cutter that you don't have to "jimmy rig" everything to get it to do what it is supposed to do.  Also, sometimes the cutter just "flips out" and cuts nonsensical crap all over a pattern.  I swear, I've probably wated $20 worth of vinyl just trying to get this damn copam to work correctly...I'm about ready to cash in on the 30 day money back guarantee.....but I would love to keep the cutter if it would only do what it's supposed to do....

  12. so how would I correct this then, it seems that you should be able to fix this to utilize the most of your vinyl.....I've got all of the cutting area set within the two pinchc rollers, and the pinch rollers are on the roller (notated by the green stickers).  Not sure how to fix this, but I gotta get it fixed....because I have a job that is 13.5 " tall.....and 12.5" just won't work....any suggestions?

  13. Hello everyone,

    I think I figured out a problem with my copam, and that is that it's got this little measure feature on it, but it's only measuring the material at 12.5 inches, and the material that I have in there is actually 15" wide...which means whenever I cut, about 2 inches of my lettering is cut off....there is plenty of material there, but the cutter just doesn't cut's like it's just cutting it off. 

    anyone have an idea why it would do this?  I'm using flexi, and never had this problem with the refine cutter I used to have.  Is there a way to turn the measure function off?


  14. I found a GREAT driver to use with Copam, it works in Flexi, as well as with other cutting programs such as LXI Master.  I cut a 10 foot long job this morning, and it cut it beautifully.  The copam appears to use the same driver as the Graphtec CE1000-60.  Just FYI! 

    Once I got this driver to work, I went from hating the new copam, to absolutely loving it.  It runs quietly, andn does a great job cutting, and appears to be more precise than the refine mh721 that I used to have.