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  1. MZ, How do you set the command to HP-GL? I saw the window once but had trouble locating it today. As to the suggestion to buy another cutter, that is not an option. Without getting into a long story, big overhead does not equate to large profits when other areas of your life take unexpected turns. The easy answer of buying a new piece of equipment and then repairing the existing one for a backup, would be ideal. Just wish I was capable of that at this time. Graphtec was very helpful when I was able to get through to them.
  2. Things that I have tried: Factory reset, new USB cable, plugging cable into a different USB port, cutting by selecting item then going to production manager, cutting by not selecting item and choosing color in production manager (problem that Signmate had in the '90's with paneling glitch .), Sending to file and then cutting from .PLT, Taking off covers and blowing out with compressed air, cutting with 'simple mode' on and off, the last thing I tried was calling Tech Support. I got an answering machine and left a message. I did not receive a return call. Every hour that the cutter is down is time that I am not making $$$ (actually loosing $$$ because of overhead). Does anyone have a number to get through to support?
  3. I have been using the same cutter/software since 2013. Flexisign 8.1 and a CE-6000-60. The other day it just started acting crazy. It drops the blade and then the carriage goes far left and slams the end causing a harware error message. Other times it will drop the blade and start running out vinyl. A couple of times it will return to the origin in the middle of cutting without lifting the blade, then return to cutting with the blade down. I changed the USB cable and plugged it into a front port as opposed to the rear one it was in. I also added a new setup to show CE-5000-60 -2 in production manager. No help at all Thanks in advance for any help Rocco