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A little hlep please?

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I recently bought a SC631 It's all set up, hooked up, and drivers are loaded. Problem is, it's not communicating with the computer-or visa-versa. I can do a test cut from the cutter, but when I try to cut from the computer, nothing. I am using the USB cord that came with it. Anyway, it's gonna be a loooong night and I really need to get it working so I can get a job done for tomorrow, sure hoping someone can help that doesn't sleep like me :)

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What software are you using to cut?  Also, are you using a serial adapter for your USB? 

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I'm using Sure Cuts A Lot Pro, and no, just the USB, no adapter. I had a Copam years ago and I seem to remember that it wouldn't work with the USB, but my current computer doesn't have a port for the other cord, only the USB :/

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You can use a serial card or a keyspan adapter.  


A fellow member has the SC cutter also.and posted this yesterday....  Many have purchased the keyspan adapter.  That is the brand name. Keyspan



Posted Yesterday, 02:20 PM

Finally picked up a keyspan not too long ago cause I was starting to finally have some issues with long runs on the new computer. Man its night and day. Highly suggest one. 

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Although a Keyspan adapter will probably be a wise purchase in the near future, the fact that you get no response at all from the cutter means that the adapter probably won't solve this problem.


I would call US Cutter support as soon as they are open this morning and they can walk you through some basic troubleshooting steps and get you up and running.

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Dang. I was hoping for a quick fix. Thanks for your input! This forum has always been such a great help. Thanks to all of you who take your time to help a sistah out! ;)

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Although a Keyspan adapter will probably be a wise purchase in the near future, the fact that you get no response at all from the cutter means that the adapter probably won't solve this problem.


I would call US Cutter support as soon as they are open this morning and they can walk you through some basic troubleshooting steps and get you up and running.

Not necessarily true. The Keyspan adapter goes into the Serial port on the cutter instead of the USB port. If the USB port is the problem, a Keyspan adapter could fix it. Another option is to put a Serial card in your PC.;jsessionid=084B6D60D82F8EB52F7F9C00F5952509.bbolsp-app03-184?id=1218628132271&skuId=5270525&st=serial card&cp=1&lp=2

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After making sure you have the drivers...make sure in your cut screen you have the right com port selected. That was a problem I had when I first got mine. Auto detect didnt like working for some reason.

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