Hello and welcome to the forums! We are all here to help each other with all sorts of questions and comments, but in order to get started you will need to become a full fledged member. You begin as rank of Newbie but you can graduate much easier than with most schools! You simply need to pass the test of respect for the forum Due to the constant spammers in the world we have created a new rule that still allows new members to create new posts, but those posts will need to be approved by a moderator before they are saved as a public post for others to view and reply to. This includes any kind of post, whether you create a new topic or your first post is just a reply to someone else's post. This will help weed out a lot of the spammers and scammers that like to post unhelpful things like ads and general spam, and this should make for a cleaner spam free forum. There is more good news though! We have lots of people who help moderate these forums, including our very own USCutter tech support as well as other forum users such as yourself! They have chosen to go out of their way and assist in keeping this a functional and useful tool for everyone that comes here. So, a thank you and big respect to those Moderators! Please keep in mind, if you are having trouble with using the forums there are always friendly fellow forum members who are willing to sort out the problem for you. Thanks so much for coming here! And we hope you enjoy this free useful tool for all of your projects and questions.