
Write Port Error

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i had this problem and it drove me up the wall for two weeks. i began to think i made a bad investment but with ALOT of patience , and asking questions i eventually discovered what was wrong. ive been looking around the forum and noticed i wasnt the only one with this problem. its a very simple problem thats easily fixed, but can aggrivate you beyond belief. heres my remedy to the situation and i hope it helps anyone now and in the furture.

the bit-rate that the computer transfers information to your cutter has to match in THREE places:

1.   in the Control Panell, open System, click the hardware tab, click the Device Manager button, and under Ports find your cutter. right click, and select properties. now click the port settings tab. look at what the Bits Per Second option is set to. mine was set to 19200. i find it worked best to use what the computer picks by default. remember that number.

2.   on your cutters lcd screen, scroll through the settings to your baud setting. change it to what you found in the device manager, in this case, 19200. make sure it saved that setting by restarting the cutter and checking it.

3.   in your project manager, when you select what cutter to use, right click on that, select cutter options or properties ( depending on what program you use) and make sure that the bit rate for your cutter matches the previous two.

once all these numbers matched up, i have not had a problem since. although, every once in a while, one of those three numbers will change itself for no apparent reason. havent figured that one out yet. but for the time being. im glad i figured this out and im actually starting to have fun with this.

hope someone else can use this and not have to go through the headaches i went through 

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I tried what you suggested and i still have the same problem,...the cutter is disconnecting halfway through my cutting jobs, wasting large amounts of vinyl here,...please help

im running FlexiStarter Desay edition and i have a MASTER cutter,....also my cutter doesnt have any settings or functions that display bitrate,...

my setup is as follows:

Bits per sec : 9600

data bits :8

parity : none

stop bits: 1

flow control: hardware

thanks for your help

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I have the same issues. No matter what i try I cannot get the cutter to work using a serial cable (supposidly the easiest) :(

I checked all Baud rates and all are set correctly, and it works great for small jobs, but if I try and cut a large job, about 1/2 way through it says "Write port error"...WHAT THE #$@(!* IS GOING ON?:huh:?


The cutter is a MH-721, using flexi starter 10, windows Vista, USB hookup (if someone can shed some light on how to get the serial to work, that'd be awesome too)...

I have tonnes of ram (4gb) 2tb HDD, 3.4ghz the comp shouldn't be an issue...


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If on a stand, ground stand to cutter.

not all serial cables are equal, a Keyspan adapter, is the best. Is that what you are using?

It also depends on the design you are cutting, The refines are limited on memory,

I use Flexistarter, and changed my packet size to 1000kb, and curve quality to medium. Which can be changed in DEFAULT JOB PROPERTIES

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I found out that serial adapters hardly never work right dont know if your using one or not. I use flexi 10 and wether using serial or usb works just fine . try connecting USB and try it . I like flexi 10 because has built in rip and don't have storage problem with large cuts or prints also for the first question unplug the cutter from the up your device manager plug back in cutter and turn it will see a new com port open up. that will be the setting you need

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i get ready to send my image and it holds it for a sec then says ready right as production manager pops up with a save window. i save it and pull up the job and it only cuts about half of the image.i lucked out before fixing itbut restarting my laptop but that won't work. i'm using flexistarter v10 and mh721 cutter. if anyone could help me and answer me thank you :lol:

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i get ready to send my image and it holds it for a sec then says ready right as production manager pops up with a save window. i save it and pull up the job and it only cuts about half of the image.i lucked out before fixing itbut restarting my laptop but that won't work. i'm using flexistarter v10 and mh721 cutter. if anyone could help me and answer me thank you :lol:

First off best to use your cutter on serial or usb to serial for better connection. Please post some screen shots/pictures of your problem. I have never seen Flexi tell you to save a file when sending to cut. Show us a walk thru of your problem..

I use Flexistarter everyday...

or post your file you want to cut.

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this is what is going on yes the image is the same and i have cut it before but for some reason these last two days it won't work right but here is screen shots

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sorry took me a sec but here is what's going on same image and all when i get to send it it opens well screen shot two and i've saved it and tried to cut it but it only does like half the job



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In the picture above, SEND MODE: should be SEND NOW.... Not SAVE TO FILE...

that's a pretty detailed design to be cutting so small...

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i've done it four other times in this size and i cam out fine and how do i fix it from save to file to send now

Isn't it a drop down box? Sure looks like it to me. Mine is on Flexistarter 8.6 SEND NOW, HOLD IN FILE, SAVE TO FILE

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OK, I have Flexistarter10 installed. Same cutting functions as Flexistarter8.6.. My question to you is : why are you wanting to save that file before you cut it? When you don't need to, to be able to cut it. Why are you not sending the file directly to your cutter?

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i am sending it directly to my cutter i'm not wanting to save it my flexi won't let me cut it with out saving it first and then it does not cut it fully. i have been trying to find a way to reset it were it just starts cutting when i hit send

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It is because you have SAVE TO FILE in the SEND MODE. I can see it on your screen shot. And as I stated before, in the "SEND MODE" BELOW MATERIAL sizes 25.000 x 18000 in Click the arrow to the right, I can see it has an arrow. It is a drop box. With multiple options. There is SEND NOW ... HOLD IN LIST... AND SAVE TO FILE. Put it on SEND NOW. and cut your design directly.

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i'm getting a Exception from HRESULT: 0x80200049post-23547-0-22732200-1335477143.jpg

There was no real problem before that you had to uninstall Flexi for. you have it set up on... SAVE to FILE... instead of SEND NOW.. As long as you have it set to SAVE TO FILE, you will have the same problem.

Good luck...

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i reset my laptop from two days ago and reloaded my flexistarter offline where i got it from the first time but it still won't let me send and cut right to my cutter

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