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Cutter stops when I get a text message or my computer goes to sleep

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I have a Titan 2 and it stops every time I get a text message or when my computer goes to sleep.  While I can get it to start back up again once I wake the computer up, I can't get it to start up again after I get that text.  What the heck is going on?  How can I prevent this?

I have a macbook pro and an iPhone.  I'm also using SCAL.  It should not do this!  can anyone help?  Even if you just can tell me how to get it to keep cutting after the text I'd really appreciate that.  I'm wasting tons of vinyl!



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It would be expected that if it goes to sleep, there is no data being sent to the cutter. Don't allow your computer to go to sleep while you're cutting.

Don't allow your MBP to accept text. Text on  your iPhone, or put it airplane mode, and disconnect the ethernet cable (if you're wired) while you're cutting.

Cutters have limited memory to buffer the file, so if something interrupts the flow of data, the cutter will stop.

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Wow Lolly, are you cutting big, big, big designs or do you have your computer set to go to sleep after 30 seconds?

Change the sleep to 15 minutes or so or move the mouse around now and then while it is cutting.

Cannot help you with the text - don't know anything about that.

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