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Cutting random lines across work !!!!

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Having a lot of problems cutting with the machine (  refine EH721 ) - when it moves the cutter between different parts of the graphic, for example it will cut the outline of an 'O' then move to cut the inner circle, it is cutting a line across from the end point of the outside circle to the start of the inner one.

I have tried adjusting the blade depth, pressure etc.. and it doesnt seem to make a difference. It seems like the cutter is not lifting high enough above the vinyl before starting the next cut ( it is lifting up though ).
The cutter also seems to have a problem holding the vinyl completely flat on the machine when using 610mm wide sheets, it is almost like the vinyl is buckling up slightly, and the cutter is hitting and cutting through the vinyl

Can anyone who has had similar problems help please ?

p.s. I am used to using Roland cutters that suck the vinyl flat to the machine, and have never had any problems like this

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Having a lot of problems cutting with the machine (  refine EH721 ) - when it moves the cutter between different parts of the graphic, for example it will cut the outline of an 'O' then move to cut the inner circle, it is cutting a line across from the end point of the outside circle to the start of the inner one.

I have tried adjusting the blade depth, pressure etc.. and it doesnt seem to make a difference. It seems like the cutter is not lifting high enough above the vinyl before starting the next cut ( it is lifting up though ).
The cutter also seems to have a problem holding the vinyl completely flat on the machine when using 610mm wide sheets, it is almost like the vinyl is buckling up slightly, and the cutter is hitting and cutting through the vinyl

Can anyone who has had similar problems help please ?

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I had similar problems with my old mh721. I just placed the blade holder a little higher up in the clamp.

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