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Image Comments posted by soldoutcreations

  1. Wow you're about the 2nd person I encountered on here with common sense to make a point without all the bs....  I understand copyrighting highly...  I operate as if I do....  I am obligated to make custom items for people...  If a corporations feel the need to address it I can promise you it will be on a financial matter....  Or unless I am degrading the brand....  No way I made loads of money from 10 shirts with a kids name on them.  No way they will see those shirts remade or reproduced again....  I'm not worried at all....  Its the fear mongers people who act like their an attorney looking for financial gains or something...  This forum is such a troll habitat.... Bully site...  I will not let the people here push me away based on their judgements, because I know honestly they are not trained properly on how to welcome all people to this forum.  There are rules...  Long as they are not broken no member should sign up feeling "unwelcome".  Ok...  I am done on this topic...


    Live, love learn...

  2. I was not copyrighting an image of Disney.  I'm watermarking the design I created on a shirt for a kid and her family.  I can't claim that I am the person who designed that order? I'm not claiming to own Frozen only the design and shirts I done for that client.  If you feel bothered go head and delete it.  This only one site and I'm not about to go through all the politics with you people on this site again.  Feel I violated anything just delete the picture and keep it moving please... I posted my "infringement"?  Well, I explained the purpose and what I done with that picture.  I explained it was ordered for a family, due to they were using the "Frozen" theme.  I have not claimed no owner ship of that image nor being the creator of Frozen.  I explained what it was used for and why it was used....


    I have a shirt posted for a little league football team "Sherwood Falcons", using the original helmet...  Would that mean Atlanta Falcons gone feel the need to sue me?  Seriously this is going to far....


    Only that image like that because it went on a site where people will claim you work.  I have not known that to be the case here...  Again if you find it a problem delete it...Thanks...