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Posts posted by biggin69

  1. I just noticed today that someone tried to break in my shed. Needless to say, it was probably some piece of crap person that has as hard of time finding a job as they did trying to get in my shed (They failed!!!). So, lets see what you creative people have came up with as far as keep out, no trespassing, nothing on this property is worth your life kind of signs. I thought about doing something like "I work hard for my belongings, and I AIM to keep them" with a looking down the cross hairs symbol. What do you have? Thanks!

  2. I have a customer that wants two windows tinted on his gas station. I have done a ton of vinyl work for him so I would love to do this for him also. The problem is, I have never messed with tint. Where do I start? Thanks!

  3. Wow, way cool. I am always looking for so other ways to make some money to pay for my cutter. I think I will be picking up so mirrors!

    I do not use mirrors. These are nothing more than a picture frame with the vinyl applied to the front side of the glass. :thumbsup:

  4. Messing around with the cutter this weekend. I did a couple new ones but I need to start cut ting and pasting from corel and AI into SB . The JPEG files still dont convert very well for some reason. still came out ok but I was hoping for better. see if you can spot the missing piece...(one of these things is not like the other!) wish I had before taping it! lol

    The second Michigan one is missig one green piece on the top of the helmet. I do not know what it is called....sorry!