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About RedthreePro

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  1. RedthreePro

    Change Job names in Spooler

    Good Point, I'll just go through and save the ones that were not saved and then clean them all out and start fresh. Thanks for the help
  2. RedthreePro

    Change Job names in Spooler

    If you click on the file in the spooler you can see what the cut file was and re-cut. As you can see in the attached photo there are a ton of untitled jobs. Just cut job number 1,448, of those about half are not named correctly or untitled. Saving the file and renaming does not change it in the spooler que, I do save all my cut files off computer and properly name them. Just hundreds from before we got serious about organizing them and properly naming them I want to clean up without losing the cut file.
  3. I have VinylMaster Cut V4.0 I run a professional vinyl shop and my wife has a hobby of making random signs and such for family and friends. We both use the same computer for our work. As much as I have tried to get her to start labeling her jobs so the spooler doesn't get full of "untitled" job or wrong names for a job she always forgets, on top of when we first started I didn't keep up on proper naming before I realized how it all worked. So now I have hundreds and hundreds of wrongly labeled jobs or "untitled" in my spooler and I really want to clean them up without losing all the work we did in creating the original files. Is there a way to rename jobs in the spooler so we don't have to just delete them all out and start over?