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About robwalker

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  1. Hi everybody, good morning. My organization recently bought me a new plotter/cutter. Everything is going smoothly, until recently i noticed the cuts or edges are not smooth and crisp as they should be. The blade is barely protruding from the carrier, so the pressure is pretty low. The machine is new and I just changed the blade. I use Flexi 12 w/ Graphtec 8600-130 A few things I've tried with no effect : check the blade for damage, retry old blade (from a working machine), tried adjusting overcut settings, changed pressures / blade depths I know the blade spins freely, but it seems obstructed slightly, others' have suggested applying a drop of oil to the blade tip, but this hasn't occured in 5 years After googling this yesterday, I saw mentions of adjusting the blade offset, but I'm leary and imagine 0.0 is sorta the default or go to,